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List of Exams & Information
The Testing Center administers various exams and provides test-related information. Individuals who plan to utilize the Testing Center must review and abide by the Test Center Rules.
All tests are scheduled using the online registration. Same day test registration is not allowed. Advance scheduling allows for timely planning/arrangements for family obligations, work schedules, doctor appointments, travel and other potential conflicts. Please review the list of exams below for more information.
Admission/Placement Exam
ACCUPLACER Test (Next-Generation)
The Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (NG) is a computer-based, admission/placement test designed to determine the individual skill level and readiness in English, reading and math. Students may be required to take the ACCUPLACER test as one factor in the decision for admission to SSU. Test results may be used for course placement for accepted students.
It takes an average, approximately 2-3 hours to complete all parts of the test. The use of a personal calculator is NOT permitted—some items may allow use of a calculator embedded in the test. Non-SSU students must have a test voucher from their home institution before scheduling an ACCUPLACER Test.
Certification Exam
Savannah State University serves as an official certified testing center for the Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators (GACE). Review GACE Most Frequently Asked Questions. For more information on GACE test dates, registration, available testing centers, fees and study guides visit the GACE website at www.gace.ets.org. For information regarding professional teaching standards and/or requirements for Georgia, visit the official website of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC)
Credit by Exam
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is designed to allow students the opportunity to receive credit for college classes through examination only. Savannah State University will accept up to 30 semester hours of approved courses through any University-approved credit granting source(s). Please visit the official CLEP website for more information. The total fee for the CLEP test is $108. This amount includes two separate payments. You may REGISTER ONLINE today. For more information contact the Testing Office at 912.358.4487 or email at [email protected]
The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) is designed to allow students and military personnel to receive credit for college classes through examination utilizing non-traditional ways of education through on the job training, self-study, and other life experiences. Please visit www.getcollegecredit.com for more information. The total fee for the DANTES test is $115. This amount includes two separate payments. You may REGISTER ONLINE today. For more information contact the Testing Office at 912.358.4487, or email at [email protected]
College Entrance Exams
Savannah State University serves as an official national testing center for the American College Testing Program (ACT) college entrance exam. For information on ACT test dates, registration, available testing centers, fees and study guides visit the ACT website.
ACT On-Campus
Savannah State University serves as an official “on-campus” testing center for the ACT Campus Test (college entrance exam). This test is given to SSU admission applicants only! Fee waivers are not available for the ACT Residual Test. Test scores cannot be transferred, or used for any other purpose than admission application to SSU. Registration for this test must be completed through SSU Testing Center only at www.registerblast.com/ssu. No tests will be given for the ACT On-Campus Test in the month of October.For more information visit the SSU Testing Center website. Applicants may visit the official ACT website for test preparation, rules and guidelines, test day materials needed as well as prohibited items: www.actstudent.org
Savannah State University serves as an official national testing center for the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) college entrance exam. For information on SAT test dates, registration, available testing centers, fees and study guides visit the SAT website at SAT/College Board website
The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is an official law school entrance exam. This exam is not offered at SSU. For information on LSAT test dates, registration, available testing centers, fees and study guides visit the LSAT website at www.lsac.org.
The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is an official graduate admissions exam. This exam is not offered at SSU. For information on GRE test dates, registrations, available testing centers, fees and study guides, visit the GRE website
The Graduate Management Test (GMAT) is an official computer-adaptive standardized test for admissions to graduate business studies. This exam is not offered at SSU. For information on GMAT test dates, registrations, available testing centers, fees and study guides, visit the GMAT website
Departmental Exams
Legislative Exams are institutional exams (in Georgia History and Georgia Constitution) administered to SSU students only to assist in satisfying graduation requirements mandated by the Board of Regents. Examples of students required to complete this type of exam are students who have satisfied US History (HIST 2111 or 2112) and/or American Government (POLS 1101) requirements at a college outside the University System of Georgia or have satisfied course requirements through the CLEP Test: US History I or II and/or American Government). Each test is timed for 45 minutes and consists of 20 multiple-choice items. You may REGISTER ONLINE today. For more information contact the Testing Office at 912.358.4487 or email at [email protected]
Study materials for the Legislative Exams listed below are available in the SSU Library or the Testing Office (Hubert Building. A, room 114) upon availability. The textbooks are also available at local and national bookstores.
Georgia History |
HIST 2111 and HIST 2112 |
Georgia Odyssey by James C. Cobb |
Georgia Constitution |
POLS 1101 |
Georgia State Politics by Lee M. Allen & Richard T. Saeger. Bok Available via SSU Library (course reserves) or GIL Express or Interlibrary Loan 100-Item Questionnaire |
Major Field Tests (MFT)
Major Field Tests (MFT) are scheduled by academic departments and designed to measure students’ mastery of their chosen field of study, assess the effectiveness of major programs of study and improve curricula. This test is usually given to seniors in capstone courses. The MFT Test is available in Biology, Business and Literature in English among other areas. Students should check with their respective department for detailed information and test needs.This computer-based, timed multiple-choice test is 2-hours in length. Only correct answers are scored; therefore, making an educated guess on items in which you are uncertain is highly encouraged. To view the test description of content, sample questions, comparable data and sample reports about each test https://www.ets.org/mft. You may REGISTER ONLINE today. For more information contact the Testing Office at 912.358.4487 or email at [email protected]
Proctored Exams
Proctored Exams are administered at SSU for students enrolled in “fully” online courses. A proctored exam is an exam that is administered by an individual who supervises the student while they are taking the exam. The use of proctoring services is to ensure the integrity and security of the exam in a secure environment. The SSU Testing Center administers proctored tests by appointment only to SSU and non-SSU students. Please review the categories of proctored exams below.
- eCORE Exams: The Testing Center at SSU is an affiliate testing center for “electronic course curriculum” (eCore) exams which allows University System of Georgia (USG) students the opportunity to complete their first two years of college online. eCore courses are taught entirely online, except for the occasional proctored exam. There is no cost for eCore tests. Students are highly encouraged to complete test registration at 2-3 weeks prior to the opening of the test window to prevent unnecessary conflicts. For more information visit SSU ECORE Information or eCore at USG for test registration, deadlines, and list of approved test centers. Students may also email eCore staff or call 1-855-ECORE for assistance. Review Test Center Rules prior to reporting to your scheduled test session.
- Proctored Exams for SSU students only: Proctored tests for fully online SSU courses are available at no additional charge. Students should schedule all exams at the beginning of the semester to ensure availability and/or preferred test dates and times. Scheduling in advance allows for advanced planning and arrangements for family obligations, work schedules, doctor appointments, travel and other potential conflicts. Same day test scheduling is NOT allowed. Review Test Center Rules prior to reporting to your scheduled test session. You may REGISTER ONLINE today.
- NON-SSU Proctored Exams: Students who are taking Independent Study or fully online classes at other institutions may elect to have their exams administered at Savannah State University. The sponsoring school or company must send exams directly to the Testing Office. Included with the exam should be any instructions for the proctor and any forms to be completed and returned. The sponsoring school will determine allotted time (or maximum time limits) and special testing conditions. No calculators, notes, or books will be allowed unless specified by the sponsoring institution. The testing fee is $20 per hour. This fee is calculated using the time allotted by the sponsoring school (e.g. If time allotted for test is 1 hour 30 minutes, the total test fee is $40.) Call the Testing Center to make sure your exam has arrived before coming to test. Please CLICK HERE for more information on requirements, testing staff contact, mailing address and other vital information prior to scheduling a test. Review Test Center Rules prior to reporting to your scheduled test session.
FIND A PROCTORED TEST SITE outside Savannah, GA. The National College Testing Association (NCTA) supports distance learning by providing a free web-based referral service. The Consortium of College testing Centers (CCTC) web page contains a listing of testing centers across the country and abroad that are willing to provide proctoring services to students away from their campuses. Once on the website click “Find a Proctor,” select state on the map provided, and review available list.
Professional Exams
PSIOnline/Performance Assessment Network (PAN) Testing
PSI Online is a leading provider of web-delivered, high-stakes testing and assessment solutions for major government and corporate clients, specializing in pre-employment selection, promotional, personality, and skills assessments. Information to Candidates: Test registration, requirements and other information will be available through PAN. Candidates wishing to schedule a test offered through PSI MUST do so directly through the official website: www.psionline.com or call 1-877-449-TEST.