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Credit by Exam
Savannah State University offers two exams that allow students to earn college credits by demonstrating their knowledge: the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) and the DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests). CLEP exams are available to all students, providing an opportunity to test out of various courses and accelerate their academic journey. The DSST exams are specifically designed for military personnel, helping them convert their service-related learning into college credits.
CLEP (College Level Examination Program)
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is designed to allow students the opportunity to receive credit for college classes through examination only. CLEP requires a three (3) months waiting period before you can retake the same exam title. Exams taken with the same title before the waiting period ends will be void without refund.
NOTE: For eligible military students, DANTES will only fund the first attempt of any exam title; any subsequent attempts to pass a failed exam will be the test-takers responsibility.
Please consult with your SSU academic advisor (or home institution) and confirm testing needs before taking a CLEP exam for credit. You may review the SSU CLEP COURSE EQUIVALENCY CHART for a list of courses in which you may earn CLEP credit at SSU. For more information visit http://clep.collegeboard.org. The total cost for the CLEP test is $110. This amount includes two separate payments:
- TEST ADMINISTRATION ($15): The non-refundable $15 test administration cost is paid online with a debit or credit card at the time of test scheduling: REGISTER ONLINE. On the day of testing bring the receipt of payment/test confirmation and valid government photo identification to the testing center. Examinees who do not show receipt of payment or photo ID will not be tested.
- CLEP TEST ($95): Each CLEP exam costs $95. In order to pay this fee you must create and manage your personal account through the My Account registration portal via the official CLEP website. The registration platform will allow you to register for a CLEP exam 24/7, manage your personal information any time prior to taking the exam, search for test centers, select your score recipient institution and purchase study materials.Before you register and pay for a test, please consult your institution’s policy on taking the CLEP and consult with your academic advisor to ensure that you will receive credit for the test in which you are interested. Registering for an exam provides you with a payment receipt and a Ticket ID. Please ensure that you keep the CLEP EXAM REGISTRATION TICKET information handy and bring it with you on the day of testing.
- CLEP Exam Registration Tutorial: This tutorial will guide you through the CLEP exam registration process, focusing primarily on the My Account portal where you can: purchase exams and study materials 24/7; identify a test center to take your exam; select a score recipient institution; and enter your personal information in advance to speed up the check-in process on test day. Watch Video.
- CLEP Tutorial – Testing Platform: This tutorial guides you through the testing platform to help you become familiar with the testing tools, the types of examination questions and the types of calculators that will appear in a CLEP exam. Download Video.
- CLEP Individual Exam Study Guides: If you’re taking just one or two CLEP exams, consider purchasing individual exam guides. These contain the same content for each subject that appears in the CLEP Official Study Guide. CLICK HERE.
- CLEP Official Study Guides: This guide, developed and published by the College Board, is the official study resource for all 33 CLEP exams. It includes practice questions for all exams, exam descriptions, information on getting credit for CLEP and test-taking tips and strategies. CLICK HERE, Copies of study guides are available in the Testing Center, email for more information: [email protected].
- Modern States Education Alliance (philanthropy): EARN COLLEGE CREDIT FOR FREE! Modern States’ “Freshmen year for Free” program provides top quality online college courses and online textbooks for free to everyone who seek them, and also pays for the corresponding CLEP exam. Modern States’ free courses, taught by professors from well-known institutions, prepare students to take and pass CLEP exams offered by The College Board. In addition to paying the $89 exam fee, Modern States reimburses students for test centers fees. For more information or to sign up, visit the official website for Modern States: www.ModernStates.org.
Space is limited. Please REGISTER ONLINE now or call (912) 358-4487 for more information.
DSST (Dantes Subject Standardized Tests)
The Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) are designed to allow students and military personnel to receive credit for college classes through examination. DSST requires a 30-day waiting period before you can retake the same exam title. Exams taken with the same title before the waiting period ends will be void without refund.
NOTE: For eligible military students, DANTES will only fund the first attempt of any exam title; any subsequent attempts to pass a failed exam will be the test-takers responsibility.
Please consult with your SSU academic advisor (or home institution) and confirm testing needs before taking a DSST exam for credit. You may review the SSU DSST Equivalency Chart for a list of courses in which you may earn DSST credit at SSU. For more information go to: www.getcollegecredit.com. The total cost for the DANTES test is $115. This amount includes two separate payments:
- TEST ADMINISTRATION ($15) The non-refundable $15 test administration fee is paid online with debit or credit card at the time of test scheduling: REGISTER ONLINE. On the day of testing bring the receipt of payment/test confirmation and government issued photo identification to the testing center. Examinees who do not show receipt of payment or valid photo ID will not be tested.
- DSST TEST ($100): Each DSST exam costs $100 DSST and must be paid on the day of testing as part of the test set-up and registration process. The DSST payment methods are credit or debit card in which you will process independently online prior to the start of the test.
- DSST EXAM PREPARATION RESOURCES: Visit the official website for DSST for more information on DSST Test Preparation.
Space is limited. Please REGISTER ONLINE now or call (912) 358-4487 for more information.