We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website, designed to enhance your experience with improved navigation and fresh content. If you encounter any broken or relocated pages, please use the search tool to find what you’re looking for. Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine and improve the site!
Where Do I Go When….
I was just admitted and need to meet with an Academic Advisor:
Ensure you have completed your Enrollment Confirmation and are registered, including submitted a successful payment, for student orientation. Upon completion of those items, you are assigned an Academic Advisor who will reach out to you to establish your first semester’s registration schedule. This should occur prior to orientation.
I want faculty and staff to be able to speak with my parent(s) regarding my account:
Add your parent(s) to your FERPA waiver in PAWS. Use the Student Portal, select FERPA Waiver, enter your Tigerworld credentials, add the parent/ individual(s) name, relationship, and contact number, and FERPA password. You will need to share with the individual the FERPA password.
I need help picking a major:
Take the Focus2 assessment.
I want to change my major:
Contact your Academic Advisor to have your student account updated.
I need a tutor:
Schedule a tutoring session, via EAB Navigate!: 912-358-4149
I want to become a transient student:
Complete the Transient/Letter of Good Standing form located here: https://www.savannahstate.edu/registrar/important-documents.shtml
I have an “incomplete” grade:
The professor of that course will have to work with you on completing course work for that specific course. Contact your professor for details.
I disagree with a grade I received:
The professor of that course would be the person that you speak with regarding a grade change. If you cannot get ahold of that professor, contact their department chair.
I want to do an internship:
Check out our Career Services (Internship Program) site: 912-358-3128
I have a Balance Due Hold on my student account:
Review your Student Account in PAWS for an outstanding balance and then contact the Bursar’s Office in you have questions regarding that balance due: 912-358-4042
I have an Auxiliary Hold on my student account:
Review your Parking Portal account for an outstanding balance and then contact the Bursar’s Office in you have questions regarding that balance due: 912-358-4042
I’m feeling ill:
Don’t wait! Go see a nurse at the Student Health Services: 912-358-4122
I’m not connecting with other students:
Get involved in Campus Life. There are over 70 clubs and organizations run by students from service to social, from religious to sports. Our Recreation and Wellness program has fitness courses, intramural sports, outdoor recreations that can help you stay fit while connecting with others.
I’m feeling depressed:
Talk confidentially with someone at our Student Counseling & Psychological Services: 912-358-3080
I missed class due to having COVID-19:
The professor of that course would be the person that you speak with about missing class. Prior to missing the class, reach out to your professor to let them know what is happening and how long you may be away.
I’m graduating and need a job:
Congratulations! Establish an appointment with Career Services to explore job openings and create a resume: 912-358-3140
I need an official transcript:
Go to https://www.savannahstate.edu/registrar/request_transcript.shtml