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Test Preparation & FAQs
The Testing Office has found various unofficial online resources for test preparation for potential and current students. You will find that the websites below will provide a refresher and practice in English/writing, reading and math (algebra). Please note that these sites are not developed or maintained by Savannah State University. These links are listed as a convenience to you, as you may choose to prepare for academic success.
We encourage you to refresh your skills and knowledge on expected test items or topics prior to taking the actual tests. Practicing allows you to become more familiar with the types of questions asked and also the mode of questioning. When you know what to expect, you will not be get caught off guard when taking the “real thing.” Being successful on the actual Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Test is highly encouraged since the results of this test may determine your acceptance into Savannah State University.
Can I test without a photo ID?
No, unfortuantely, all examinees must provide a clear, recognizable photo ID to take a test. Contact the Testing Office if you have any concerns prior to the test. SSU replacement IDs ($35) are available in King-Frazier, Room 127. Government-issued IDs are replaced by the Georgia Department of Driver Services
What is the purpose of the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (NG) admission/placement testing?
The purpose of the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (NG) admission/placement test is to evaluate incoming students skill level in English, reading and math. This is an important test because it is one factor in determining acceptance and/or course placement of some SSU applicants.
How do I know if I am eligible for the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (NG) test?
The Office of Admissions will review admission applications and determine eligibility of the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Test (and specific tests needed) through electronic communication to applicant/student. This information will be based on minimum requirements for acceptance.
How do I register for the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER (NG) test?
Please use the online registration portal at www.registerblast.com/ssu (to test in Savannah). If you do reside in the Savannah area and need to schedule a remote test, please email your request to [email protected]
How do I register for the following tests?
GACE: For complete information about LSAT, go to www.gace.ets.org.
GRE or GMAT: For complete information about GRE go to www.ets.org/gre and for the GMAT go to www.mba.com. Students may also make arrangement for GRE and GMAT testing through the Sylvan Learning Center at (912) 355-2267.
LSAT: For complete information about LSAT, go to www.lsac.org.
SAT or ACT: For complete information to to the sites listed respectively: SAT www.collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat or ACT www.act.org for detailed information.
How do I register for other tests such as CLEP, Georgia History, MFT, proctored test, etc.)?
Please use the online registration portal at www.registerblast.com or visit the main Testing Center webpage, then click “Register for Exam.” Dates available will be highlighted.
What if I have a disability and require special accommodations?
Contact the Office of Counseling & Disabilities at (912) 358-3115 for more information.