Student Success

Testing Office

Earn college credit or professional certifications through exams tailored to your academic and career goals.

The Testing Center administers various exams and provides test-related information. Individuals who plan to utilize the Testing Center must review and abide by the Test Center Rules.

All tests are scheduled using the online registrationSame day test registration is not allowed. Advance scheduling allows for timely planning/arrangements for family obligations, work schedules, doctor appointments, travel and other potential conflicts. Please review the list of exams below for more information.

Register For Exams

The Testing Department offers a wide range of exams both on and off campus, including the ACCUPLACER (Next-Generation), CLEP, ACT, GMAT, and many more. Explore all the exams available and find out how to register for the one that suits your needs.
Find Your Exam

Proctoring Services

Proctoring services are available at Savannah State University (SSU) during regularly scheduled testing sessions. A proctored exam is administered by an individual who supervises the student while they are taking the exam.
Find & Register for a Proctored Test

ACT On-Campus Test

SSU administers both the ACT National Test and the ACT On-Campus Test (formerly ACT Residual Test). The ACT On-Campus Test is a paper-based test and takes approximately 3 ½ - 4 hours. The test consists of four (4) timed multiple-choice sections – English, Math, Reading, and Science. It is offered several times throughout the year (with the exception of October and national test dates).
More about ACT On-Campus

Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Test (NG)

The Next-Generation ACCUPLACER is a computer-adaptive test used to determine the individual skill level and readiness in reading, writing and math. Simply referred to as ACCUPLACER, eligibility and/or approval to take the test is based upon the decision status of a completed SSU admission application.
Get Prepared for ACCUPLACER

CLEP (College Level Examination Program)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is designed to allow students the opportunity to receive credit for college classes through examination only. Please consult with your SSU academic advisor (or home institution) and confirm testing needs before taking a CLEP exam for credit.
Earn Credit By Exam