Student Success

Educational Talent Search

The mission of Educational Talent Search is to encourage and empower students to stay in school, graduate, undertake and complete a program of higher education.

The primary goal of Talent Search is to offer a continuum of activities, information and services to enable low-income/first generation college bound students (6th – 12th grade) with academic ability to realize their potential for education and growth beyond high school.
Service delivery includes individual and group counseling sessions, field trips, self-awareness assessments, decision making, academic skills, career and college exploration, postsecondary school tours, curricular choices, financial aid assistance, and re-entry services for dropouts. The program serves 750 youth (6th – 12th graders, graduates and dropouts) annually. Two thirds of the 750 are low-income and potential first-generation college students.

The Educational Talent Search Program at Savannah State University is for You Only If You…

  • Are in grade 6th – 12th
  • Attend listed Target Schools
  • Are planning to complete high school
  • Are planning to enroll and complete college/technical school

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education