Career Counseling: SSU students may seek help with selecting and planning a major or career, developing effective job search strategies, and other career related issues.
Workshops/Presentations: Each semester the Center offers a number of programs on topics including resume writing, interview skills, job searching, experiential learning and admission to graduate/professional school.
Career Development Fairs: Career Development fairs are held annually to assist students and alumni. The Coastal Georgia Universities Career Fair is held in the Fall for individuals seeking employment opportunities. Graduate School Day is held in the Fall to obtain information and meet with representatives. Experiential Learning and Volunteer Fair and a Spring Career Fair are held during Spring Semester.
Career Resource Library: Located inside the office users will find information about occupations, career choices for different academic majors, job search strategies; recruiting literature and videos, organizations hiring in specific fields, graduate and professional school catalogs.
Job Listings: The Center features employment bulletin boards for part-time and full-time positions; internship, cooperative education and volunteer and seasonal opportunities.
Graduate School Information: Graduate catalogs are available in the Career Library. Representatives visit the campus to discuss the various scholarships and fellowships available at their institutions.
Career Connections: Career Connections is a computerized program utilized to register students with the Career Services, produce sharp, typeset-quality, professional resumes and store information for databases.
Georgia Hire: A job listing database and resume referral system that allows students and alumni to search job openings and enter their resumes via the Internet.
Resume Referrals: The office may forward resumes of registered students and alumni to appropriate prospective employer for employment opportunities.
Georgia Career Information System (GCIS): A computerized career software that allows students to explore different occupations, and graduate schools.
Resume Consultation: Individual guidance on resume or cover letter content and design is available to all students by appointment with a staff member. Resume preparation software is also available.
Mock Interviews: Students may schedule an appointment with a staff member who will ask sample interview questions and make suggestions for improvements. Videotaped mock interviews are also available.
On-Campus Interviews: Students and alumni may register with the office to participate in the on-campus interviews with employers.
Surf the Net: Computers are available which will allow students to surf the net to obtain career information and employment opportunities.
Self-Evaluation Inventories: Staff is able to help students assess their interests and learn about careers or majors that they may like. Please call for an appointment.