
Ways to Contact the Library

Gordon Library’s team of librarians and staff are here to support the complex research, learning, and information needs of SSU’s students, faculty, and staff. Whether you need help locating resources, navigating databases, or browsing our collections, we’re ready to assist you through phone, text, our online chat service, and one-on-one research consultations.

Call the Library

Need immediate assistance? Call our front desk. Our staff can answer questions about library resources, services, policies, and even connect you with subject specialists. The front desk is staffed during regular library hours, Monday through Thursday from 8 AM to 7 PM, Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM, and Sundays from 3 PM to 7 PM.

Call Gordon Library: (912) 358-4324

Text a Librarian

Need help? Text Gordon Library. Get quick answers from an SSU librarian about research, resources, or library services right on your phone.

Messages sent after hours will receive a response when the library reopens the next business day. Standard messaging rates apply.

Text a Librarian: (912) 226-2479

Chat with a Librarian Online

Have a quick question? Use our online chat service to message a real librarian—not a chatbot. Our experienced library staff is ready to help you with any on-the-go questions you might have about your research or library services & resources. Use the link below to chat with us anytime during library hours!

Schedule a Research Consultation

Need in-depth research assistance? Connect with your college’s liaison librarian for personalized guidance. They specialize in your field of study and can help develop research strategies, locate scholarly sources, and navigate databases specific to your research needs. To schedule a one-on-one consultation, please email or call your liaison librarian.

COST: Elle Davis
(912) 358-4333
[email protected]

COE & COBA: Jeremy Schwartz
(912) 358-4311
[email protected]

CLASS: Jennifer West
(912) 358-4322
[email protected]