About Your Award

Disbursement of Funds

Financial aid funds must be used first to pay university tuition and fees and then to university housing, and other institutional educational expenses.

Financial aid funds must be used first to pay university tuition and fees and then to university housing, and other institutional educational expenses. Once you have registered, your university Statement of Account will be available. Your online statement will show instructional and general fees, health insurance, room and board, and other appropriate charges. Financial aid awards will appear as credits. All fees, including penalties, must be paid according to the deadline indicated on your Statement of Account. Funds must have been received by the university, including outside scholarships or loans before a disbursement is made.

Conditions for Aid to Disburse

  • Your application for financial aid must be complete. View any missing requirements in the “Student Requirements” section of Financial Aid on PAWS.
  • You must meet all Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. You may check your financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress on PAWS in the “Student Requirements” section of Financial Aid.
  • Funds must have been received by the university, including outside scholarships or loans.
  • Timing – Funds will not appear on your account until enrollment is verified. Funds will be available to use in the bookstore. The disbursement process will continue daily throughout the registration period.