We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website, designed to enhance your experience with improved navigation and fresh content. If you encounter any broken or relocated pages, please use the search tool to find what you’re looking for. Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine and improve the site!
Bursar’s Office

The Bursar’s Office is responsible for the assessment, billings and collection of tuition, fees, meal plans, housing and other university charges. The department is also responsible for the processing of student refunds from financial aid or other account over payments.
Monday-Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM
in-person service
Phone / Email
(912) 358-4042
[email protected]
First floor of Hill Hall, Room 109
3219 College Street
Savannah, GA 31404
Mailing Address
All correspondence pertaining to a student’s account (including tuition payments, scholarship award letters, special payment information and military tuition assistance) should be sent to:
Savannah State University
3219 College Street
P.O.BOX 21743
Savannah, GA 31404
Bursar Faculty/Staff
Angela Bryant
Rebecca Phillips
Josey Sheppard
Student / Family Account Setup
Students and authorized users can be our Student Account to view their account information and make payments.
Please note: Access to the student account allows access to the student’s financial account. Students are able to set their parents up as ‘Authorized Users’. This access is separate from the student’s FERPA waiver access which allows parents to access information such as grades, class registration, etc.