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College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Portfolio Review

Thank you for your interest in the Savannah State University Visual & Performing Arts Program. Students audition or submit a portfolio in-person during their first semester after declaring their major in Visual and Performing Arts.
If you would like to audition or have your art portfolio reviewed before you arrive on-campus, and would like to set up an in-person audition or review, please contact [email protected]
If you are only auditioning for University Bands, or University Chorale and not planning on majoring in Visual and Performing Arts then please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Audition / Portfolio Requirements
Dance (Performing Arts)
Students may submit one performance sample of your own dancing. This may be performance in the work of others or your own work. The total length of the performance cannot exceed seven minutes. All forms of dance are welcome, including: modern, ballet, jazz, hip hop, social, ballroom, and global dance forms, i.e. Asian and Southeast Asian, African, African Diaspora, Latin American and South American and indigenous forms.
Theatre (Performing Arts)
Applicants are required to prepare a monologue under two to three minutes long. Monologues can be from a contemporary play with a character close in age to you or a monologue from the classics, such as a Shakespearean monologue or excerpt from a Greek or Roman work. In addition, students may prepare a song from a musical.
Studio Art
Students may submit one Fine Art portfolio in the following media: Painting, Drawing & Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture, and Video, Digital Media & Electronic Art. Prepare a 10-piece portfolio. Work may include pieces from High School, or work created outside of class, and work that was created at the college level. The work must be presented in a physical portfolio case.
Vocalist (Music Ed / Performance)
Students may submit one or two pieces. Western classical submissions may include multiple languages. Performances can be unaccompanied or use recorded accompaniment, but overlays are not allowed. Submissions must focus on one voice area, though Western classical and musical theater may be combined.
Instrumentalist (Music Ed / Performance)
Students should prepare a two- to three-minute solo and perform all 12 major scales. Percussionists must include all rudiments, announcing each one before playing.