In this section, you’ll find key resources and policies designed to support your educational goals. From understanding your academic status, earning recognition on the Dean’s List, or making adjustments during the Drop/Add period, we’re here to help you stay on track. Learn how your Grade Point Average (GPA) impacts your progress and explore how to access or request your official transcripts to showcase your achievements. Let this guide be your companion as you unlock your full potential!
Academic Information

Dual Enrollment
A home study program is an arrangement whereby a school-aged child is involved in a course of study in which instruction is carried out at the direction of the parent rather than in a traditional classroom setting and is governed by and operating in accordance with the requirements of Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) §20-2-690.
The Dual Enrollment funding Program Application for students and Home Study Parents is available online. The following items provide information with steps and screenshots of how to create a Home Study Program in GAfutures, how the student should complete the annual application, and how the parent should complete the approved courses for each term of participation in Dual Enrollment.
Academic Eligibility
General Eligibility
Only full-time students are eligible to represent the College in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities. Academically, students must possess a cumulative quality point index of 1.80 after the first two semesters of their freshman year and 2.00 for all succeeding years and must be making satisfactory progress towards a degree.
Satisfactory progress is defined as the successful completion of 24 semester hours during the academic year (August 15 to August 15).
Students who are ineligible academically to represent the College will regain their eligibility as soon as they attain a cumulative 2.00 quality point index.
Under ordinary circumstances, full-time transfer students become eligible to represent the College upon enrollment in Savannah State University as a full-time student. Once enrolled, transfer students must maintain the same academic standards established for all students.
Academic Eligibility
General Requirements for Good Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress:
Academic Good Standing
Cumulative GPA 2.0 or higher
For all SSU students, the minimum cumulative GPA requirement for academic good standing is 2.0. All students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 each semester. All students must also achieve or maintain a GPA of at least 2.0, as well as satisfy all course requirements for the degree, in order to graduate.
Approved by SSU Executive Leadership Council in September 2013
Academic Freedom
The rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, to the U.S. Constitution including the right to freedom of speech, the right to the free exercise of religion, and the right peaceably to assemble peaceably are of the utmost importance, and the University System of Georgia (USG) is committed to protecting those rights. In the context of higher education, the constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech includes both academic freedom and freedom of expression. USG and all of its institutions shall vigorously protect those freedoms.
Academic Status
Academic status is expressed in a quality point index. A student’s quality point index is found by dividing the sum of quality points by the sum of “Hours Attempted.” For analysis of academic status, Savannah State computes both a semester index and cumulative index.
Hours | GPA |
0-29 | 1.50 |
30-59 | 1.75 |
60+ | 2.0 |
Dean's List
To acknowledge publicly the high scholastic achievement of its students, Savannah State follows the traditional practice of publishing at the end of each semester a Dean’s List. Placement on this list is merited by a minimum of 12 hours enrollment with a semester average of 3.5.
Part-time students qualify provided they have completed 15 semester hours with an accumulative average of 3.5 for no less than two courses and six semester hours.
Students doing their student teaching are eligible for the Dean’s List if they have a 3.5 in course for that one semester and if they have been on the Dean’s List for the two semesters immediately preceding the semester of student teaching.
Dropping or Adding a Course
If you change your mind about the classes you registered for, don’t panic. During the first week of each semester you can drop or add a class through your PAWS account (see the Academic Calendar for specific dates). A student who must drop a course or withdraw from college after registration must complete the proper withdrawal form with the Registrar’s Office. The date of withdrawal is not the day the student stops going to class but the day he/she properly submits the withdraw form. A student who fails to comply with this regulation will receive an “F” for all courses for which he/she has registered and forfeit all claims to tuition refunds. Any student who reduces his/her course load after the first day of class is not entitled to a refund.
Savannah State University has retained Parchment for processing transcript requests.
Please allow 3-5 days for the processing of official transcripts.
If you attended SSU prior to 1999, please allow 7-10 days processing time.
Students and alumni can request transcripts through our Parchment Storefront.
Important Information:
- Transcripts can be sent electronically by selecting the Electronic (Delivered by Email) option or mailed by selecting the Print & Mailed (Printed on Paper & Mailed) option. Note: We no longer offer a ‘pick-up’ option for transcript orders.
- Electronic Transcripts (PDF option) are considered an official transcript if it is sent directly to the intended recipient.
- Electronic Transcripts (PDF option) are considered “unofficial” once it is printed or opened by another recipient.
- Only current students can access unofficial transcripts through PAWS (Click Student Portal, under Additional Links click Academic Transcript, Select Level and Transcript Type). Note: You can save as a PDF by right clicking, select print and select PDF as the printer)
Superior Out-of-State Student Waiver
This waiver is defined as one intended for international students and superior out-of-state students selected by the institutional president or an authorized representative, provided that the number of such waivers in effect does not exceed 2% of the equivalent full-time students enrolled at the institution in the fall term immediately preceding the term for which the out-of-state tuition is to be waived (BoR Minutes, April 2012, October 2013). Any student wishing to apply for this waiver must meet certain expectations and follow the appropriate steps toward making an application. The student must prepare a one page personal essay outlining why he/she is seeking the waiver and how he/she would benefit by receiving the waiver. The student must also submit a letter of recommendation that references their academic and community involvement.