Information Technology Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change my Savannah State password?

Once you have logged into the system press Ctrl, Alt and Delete and click change password and follow the instruction prompts.

I am a new employee, how do I get my SSU account?

New hires are required to complete a Network/Email request form online (Click HERE to complete form). After the accounts are created the ITS  will notify the requestor and forward the credentials. New accounts and mailboxes are created using the SSU standard of “last name-first [email protected]” Example: [email protected]. All accounts are created with a default password. This password is not sent by email, the user must contact the Service Desk (x4357) to obtain the password. Active Directory forces all new users to change the default password upon their first logon

I forgot my login information to ADP, can you reset it?

USG Shared Services is responsible for resetting passwords. They can be reached at
855-214-2644 or [email protected]

Password Requirements for Network Account: 1 Uppercase letter/ number sequence of at least 8 characters in length.

I FORGOT my Savannah State password?

Click here to reset the password to your SSU computer account. Your SSU computer account is the primary account you use to access services such as the SSU domain/network and email.

Click here to reset the password to your SSU computer account. Your SSU computer account is the primary account you use to access services such as the SSU domain/ email and printing.

I can't log onto the computers on campus; what's my Tigerworld login information?

Use this web page to find your network username.

You must be:
Registered for the current term
Provide your 915 numbers and PAWS Pin

How can I change my Savannah State password?

Once you have logged into the system press Ctrl, Alt and Delete and click change password and follow the instruction prompts.

Can you help me with my PAWS accounts?

Contact the Help Desk at 358-4357 for assistance with your PAWS account.

My office telephone is not working. Who do I need to talk to?

Place a work order for assistance with repair or call the Service Desk.

How do I setup my voicemail?

Click here for assistance with setup.

How do I slow down my voicemail playback if it goes too fast for me to understand?

While listening to your playback press #6 for fast playback or the #4 for slow playback

How do I send email to all users?

Only authorized access is granted to designated individuals to send mail to the distribution list for faculty/staff and students.

How do I reset my email password?

Your network login password (Active Directory) is the same as your email password. Users can reset their password by typing CTRL-ALT-DEL (simultaneously) this takes you to the Windows main screen, and selecting the “Change Password” button. Users can also contact the Service Desk (x4357) if any problems are encountered.

Does the University provide institutional e-mail accounts for all students, faculty and staff, and use e-mail as an official medium of communication?

Yes: SSU currently offers institutional e-mail accounts to all students, faculty and staff. It is the official medium of communications.

Does the campus provide wireless network coverage? If so, how much of the campus has wireless connectivity?

Wireless connectivity is available throughout the entire SSU campus approximately 200 acres. There is wireless inside all buildings and also outside in all common areas.

Why isn't the wireless network as fast as the wired network?

The SSU wireless network supports 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g, standards with the maximum bandwidth shared among the wireless users connected to each access point. The 802.11ab standard has a maximum bandwidth of 11 million bits per second (Mbps), the 802.11g standard has a maximum bandwidth of 54 Mbps. The wired network provides ports with a dedicated bandwidth of 100 Mbps per connected user. As more wireless devices utilize the wireless network more heavily, performance degrades even further.