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Parking & Transportation
Parking at Savannah State University requires a valid permit, and it’s essential to park in designated areas to avoid penalties. Our campus offers a variety of parking options, ensuring convenience and accessibility for students, faculty, and visitors. Additionally, SSU provides a shuttle service for easy transportation across campus, making it simple to get to your destination without the hassle of parking.
Learn more about parking pricing at Tuition & Fees
Parking Permits
Permits are available in your Parking Portal. Student permits pickup begins the first day of housing move-in each academic year.
Students can assess the Parking Portal in the PAWS account.
Faculty/Staff can access the Parking Portal via our website link. You will use your Tiger World credentials to log into the Parking Portal.
Students should be automatically loaded into the system once they have registered for courses. If you are classified as a student do not create an account. If you are experiencing issues with your access, email [email protected] for assistance.
Once in the parking portal, select “Purchase Permit” and follow the prompts.
- Student permits may be paid via credit card in the Parking Portal.
- Students that need to have the permit charge applied towards their student account, complete the Parking Permit on Student Account Request Form and the Bursar’s Office will apply the charges towards your student account. Add your vehicle information in the Parking Portal so that the team can link your permit to the correct vehicle.
- Faculty/Staff permits may be paid via credit card or through payroll deduction. These two payment options should be available in the Parking Portal. If you do not see the payroll deduction option, complete the Employee Payment Agreement Form and submit the form to Human Resources.
After your permit is purchased, print out the temporary paper permit that is automatically generated (click “print permit” on the receipt screen) and display it on the dashboard of the vehicle until you pick up your permit at Public Safety.
Once your permit is available, Parking Services will notify you that you can come to Public Safety to pick up your permit. Parking permits MUST be picked up in person in Public Safety and the physical permit must be adhered to the inside lower left driver’s side corner of the windshield.
Please note: Parking permits should be purchased before the end of Add/ Drop period at the beginning of the term. The purchase of a permit does not void citations for lack of displaying the purchased permit. Failure to pick up your permit and display the permit, on the inside lower left driver’s side corner of the windshield, will likely result in a parking fine/citation. Full Parking Enforcement begins after the Add/ Drop period. Temporary parking permits are void after the Add/ Drop period, unless exception is provided by Parking Services for a temporary permit that is valid for up to 10 days. If you are experiencing issues with your permit pick up, email [email protected] for assistance.
Permits are associated with campus parking lots and residence halls. Changing residence halls require a purchase of a new parking permit for the new respective lot. Full rates apply.
Individuals who purchase their permits collect their respective permits at the University Police Department between 8:00 am- 4:00 pm.
Commuter students who have valid student permits and faculty/staff who have valid faculty/staff permits from other University System of Georgia institutions are not required to purchase a Savannah State parking permit. Those vehicles with these permits must be parked in the spaces designated for commuter students or faculty/staff, respectively. If the institution does not issue a physical permit, a Savannah State parking permit must be purchased.
Parking permit charges and updated ticketing prices can be located on our Tuition & Fees webpage.
It is the responsibility of the vehicle owner to understand the Parking Rules and Regulations. Appeals are not granted on the basis of being unfamiliar with the regulations.
Note: Employees will be charged for any unpaid balances when they leave University employment.
Rules and regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by the University Police Department. If students feel unsafe and would like to request an escort, contact the Department of Public Safety at 912-358-3004.
Reserved parking spaces are marked by signage and are designated for the purchaser only. These spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Unauthorized parking in these spaces will result in tickets, boots, and/or towed vehicles. If there is an unauthorized vehicle in your reserved parking spot, please contact Campus Safety for assistance.
Parking is restricted to the designated parking lots.
Commuter students must park in the commuter parking or general parking lots only. Commuters are only allowed to park in commuter lots during the restricted parking hours. Commuters are not permitted to park in any residential lots at ANY time. Commuters may move their cars to a non-residential lot after parking restrictions end at 4:00 P.M. Violation of these restrictions will result in your vehicle being ticketed, booted, and/or towed.
Faculty/staff must park in their respective parking lot or lots designated for general parking.
General parking lots (open to all active permits) are lots located in the following locations: the Student Union, the extended Kennedy lot, behind Wilcox-Wiley, the Bostic Hall lot, and the Tiger Express lot.
Residential parking lots are reserved for residential students only (with the respective parking permit) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Residential students may park in their respective lot or general residential parking spaces.
Vehicles must be parked in a designed parking space. If the vehicle is not parked in a parking space (for example on a fence line), it would be considered parked in a roadway and therefore blocking the flow of traffic (especially for emergency vehicles) and cited accordingly. If parking spaces are not available in a desired location, customers are required to park in another lot on campus. Designated parking lots outline overflow parking.
Attention Richard R. Wright Hall and Tiger Court residents: The Tiger Court/ Wright Hall lot has very limited amount parking spaces. Permits for this parking lot are sold on a limited basis. Only active permits owners may park in this respective lot. If the lot is full, residents must park in general residential parking. Unauthorized parking will be cited accordingly. All other residents must park in general residential parking.
Residential students (between the hours of 4:00 pm- 7:00 am) may parking in any commuter, general, or faculty/staff parking lot on campus. Parking regulations still apply. For example, students must not park in Reserved or ADA spaces during this extended timeframe.
You have the right to appeal any citation online in your Parking Portal within 10 calendar days from the citation date. After 10 calendar days, the right to appeal is forfeited. If you are experiencing issues submitting an appeal, email [email protected] for assistance.
Once an appeal is submitted, your parking transaction is frozen. You cannot make payment, in the Parking Portal, for the amount due until a decision is made by the Parking Appeal Committee. Registration holds will remain on student accounts until the decision of your appeal is made. If this becomes an issue, you may cancel your appeal request in your Parking Portal.
Once a decision is made by the Parking Appeal Committee, your Parking Portal account will be updated and an email notification will be sent from the Bursar’s Office. All decisions are final. If you are experiencing additional concerns after your appeal decision is made, email [email protected] for assistance.
Parking Appeal Committee
The Parking Appeal Committee is made up on three students and two faculty/staff members. The student members are selected by the Student Government Association (SGA). The faculty/staff members are selected by recommendations from other faculty and staff members. Voting committee members cannot serve from the Bursar’s Office of the University Police Department, due to their office’s conflict of interest. Non-voting committee members are volunteers and serve for one year. To recommend a committee member, reach out to your SGA President or the University Bursar.
The committee meets weekly (excluding weeks that students have course breaks) to discuss and make determination on appeals that are submitted.
For all questions about parking please contact:
Parking Services
Payne Hall
(912) 358-3003
[email protected]