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Three Students Awarded Study Abroad Scholarships

Three students Awarded the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship for travel to Ghana
Three Savanah State University (SSU) undergraduate students have been awarded scholarships from the U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program to travel to Amankwakrom in eastern Ghana in summer 2024. The study abroad trip will tackle issues related to poverty, maternal mental health, social and emotional learning, and teen pregnancy.
Students Brier Alexander, Taylor Mays and Keya Marie Jest, all social work students, are the recipients of the Gilman scholarship. They will join an additional seven SSU students who will also participate in the study abroad experience. They will be accompanied by Dr. Roenia Deloach, SSU professor of Social Work, and Dr. Catherine Gayle, chair of SSU’s Department of Social Work.
The trip is a collaborative effort with California State University (CSU)/Stanislaus’ Professor Sevaughn Banks, who is traveling with about 10 of her students and other university experts in the fields of medicine, health and social work. Students from the University of Ghana at Legon will also join the teams from SSU and CSU/Stanislaus.
This coming spring, the SSU team will engage in fundraising efforts on campus to be able to purchase feminine hygiene products and other needed supplies to take to Ghana. The study abroad effort falls under the umbrella of the act-global-initiative tagline.
“The Ghana Study Abroad Program incorporates a service-learning instructional methodology that integrates community service with academic instruction as it focuses on critical, reflection thinking and civic responsibility, said Dr. Deloach. “This program involves students in organized community service that addresses the local needs, while developing their academic skills, sense of civic responsibility, and commitment to the community.”