Business Marketing

The business marketing program teaches students to identify customer needs and wants, determine target markets, and design appropriate products and services. Through innovative instruction, mentoring, applied research, and community involvement, the program prepares graduates for the public and private sectors. Graduates work in market research, public relations, event management and product management.

A part of College of Business Administration
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Program Overview

The business marketing program teaches students to identify customer needs and wants, determine target markets, and design appropriate products and services. Through innovative instruction, mentoring, applied research, and community involvement, the program prepares graduates for the public and private sectors. Graduates work in market research, public relations, event management and product management.

Getting a Degree in Business Marketing

Business Management, is apart of the Bachelor of Business Administration program. All core BBA courses need to be completed. Below you’ll find the specialized courses that make up this specific program. Always refer to the official SSU Catalog for the latest and more details.

Marketing, BBA

Marketing Minor (Business Majors)

Marketing Minor (Non-Business Majors)

Career Opportunities

Graduates work in market research, public relations, event management and product management.

Future Careers

Sales / management
Planning / research
Brand / product management
Department stores and other retail establishments
All service industries
Banks and other financial institutions
Insurance agencies
Pharmaceutical companies
Consumer product companies

Get Your BBA Degree Online

Savannah State University College of Business Administration (COBA) understands the unique responsibilities of adult learners and the benefits of distance, online education. COBA provides the vehicle to deliver the ever-important credits expected from a bachelor’s degree and the results you deserve for your future. As you’re working in or out of your chosen field, raising a family or returning to college to complete your dreams – COBA helps ensure you reach the goals you have in mind. With a combination of strategic planning and a dedicated COBA team, Savannah State University adult / distance learners may reach your full potential without compromising your commitments at home, with your family or your work.

COBA provides the resources and academic tools within your reach, recognizing working adults like you need the convenience of a flexible program. You may complete all core and major courses online at a pace that fits your life. The results: A degree program designed for the working adult / distance learners.

aacsb primary logo
The College of Business Administration is accredited by AACSB International, the premier for schools of business.