Academic Affairs

Faculty Senate

Participation in the faculty governance process, on committees, in the Faculty Senate, etc., helps improve the university and protect faculty rights.

The Executive Committee is the elected leadership of the Faculty Senate and the channel of communication between the Senate and the university administration. It consists of the vice chairperson, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, parliamentarian, and logistics officer. The Chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.

Current Officers (2024-2025)

Cynthia Robinson Alexander, Executive Head, SSU Interim President
Philip Omunga, CLASS, Senate President, 2023-2025
Sue Ebanks, COST, Vice President, 2024-2026
Shetia Butler Lamar, COBA, Recording Secretary, 2024-2025
John Bennett, CLASS, Parliamentarian, 2024-2025
Sherry Serdikoff, CLASS, Logistics Officer, 2024-2025
TBD, Faculty Affairs Chairperson (non-voting), 2024-2025

Past Officers (2023-2024)

Cynthia Robinson Alexander, Executive Head, SSU Interim President
Philip Omunga, CLASS, Senate President, 2023-2025
Sue Ebanks, COST, Vice President, 2023-2024
Shetia Butler Lamar, COBA, Recording Secretary, 2023-2024
Marian Bell, CLASS, Parliamentarian, 2023-2024
Sherry Serdikoff, CLASS, Logistics Officer, 2023-2024
Adrian Anderson, CLASS, Faculty Affairs Chairperson (non-voting), Fall 2023
Amanda Kaltenberg, COST, Faculty Affairs Chairperson (non-voting), Spring 2024

Standing Committees

Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate include:

  • Executive committee
  • Committee on committees
  • New programs and curriculum committee
  • Faculty affairs committee
  • Evaluation committee
  • Faculty development committee
  • Faculty handbook committee
  • International students, programs and activities committee
  • Library and education media committee
  • Student affairs committee
  • Academic calendar committee
  • Distance learning committee
  • Scholarship committee