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Academic Policies

The Savannah State University Catalog provides you with the latest academic information. Your personal copy may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. Each semester the Registrar’s Office also publishes a schedule of courses which informs you of the time, place and instructor of each course offered during a particular semester and contains information about registering for courses, dropping a course, withdrawing from the College and other pertinent academic information. You are urged to read both publications with care since you are responsible for knowing all academic regulations and requirements.
Certain academic regulations are listed in these pages and in the Student Handbook. You are expected to know them and refer to them when the occasion dictates.
Academic Honesty
Students are expected to demonstrate a high standard of academic honesty in all phases of academic work and college life. Academic dishonesty represents an attack on intellectual integrity without which there can be no true education. In taking tests and examinations, completing homework, laboratory work, and writing papers, students are expected to perform honestly. Consequently, Savannah State has established the following policies for detected acts of academic dishonesty.
- All cases of detected academic dishonesty will be reported by the faculty to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Plagiarism or cheating in any academic work will result in a recorded grade of “F” for that work.
- A second offense during the course of a student’s academic career at Savannah State will result in an “F” for the course in which the academic dishonesty has occurred. In addition, students who have committed a second offense of academic dishonesty during their academic career at Savannah State will be placed on academic probation for a minimum of one semester.
- A third incidence of academic dishonesty during a student’s career at Savannah State will result in immediate dismissal from the College.
An auditor is one who enrolls for informational instruction only. Regular attendance at class is customary without other participation and without credit. Audit registrations are not permitted in any applied music courses or in field biology courses. A student who is registered as an auditor may change to credit status within the three weeks following the first day of classes. A change from audit to credit status requires the approval of the instructor, the completion of all regular class work assigned, and payment of the balance of course fee due per credit status. A student who is registered for credit may change to audit status up to four weeks before the last day of classes. The specific dates are stated in the respective semester or term.
Class Attendance
Each student is expected to attend all classes for which he/she is enrolled. The attendance policy for each course is determined by the instructor of each course. This policy shall be made known to the class at the beginning of each semester. It is the student’s responsibility to know the policy on attendance for each course in which he/she is enrolled. It is the responsibility of students to attend every class session held when they are not ill, involved with a personal emergency, or traveling with approved team activities. Consistent class attendance and participation are essential to academic success. Poor class attendance is a major factor in nearly all cases of academic failure.
Absences Due to Illness – students should contact their instructors at the earliest opportunity preferably prior to the class meeting (especially if any graded work is scheduled).
Absences Due to Emergencies – students should notify the Student Affairs Office if they must leave the College for any extended period of time because of hospitalization, injuries, or family problems. Instructors will be contacted, but it is the responsibility of the student to arrange for any make-up work. The Instructor in each course is responsible for administering any deferred examination.
Student-Athlete Absentee Form: student-athletes should complete an absentee form for each class missed due to competition away from the college. The forms should be requested at least two class days prior to the competition. The form confirms that you are participating in a college-sanctioned competition. It does not serve as an excused absence from that class. Your instructor has the final say in excused and unexcused absences and it is the student’s responsibility to know and abide by that policy. A student who is inexcusably absent from class on a day on which a test or examination announced in advance is given will receive the grade of “F” and will not have the opportunity of making up the test. In case of an excused absence on such a day, he/she will consult with his/her instructor as to what arrangements are to be made for taking care of the situation.
D-F Repeat
A student is permitted to repeat a course in which a grade of D or F has been earned. In deciding to exercise the D and F repeat option, the student agrees to accept for the record the grade earned for the course as repeated. The earlier grade and grade points will remain on the transcript but will not be used in computing the student’s grade point average and number of hours attempted/earned. The student will receive the grade and grade points of the repeat, which will be used in determining the grade point average and the number of hours attempted/earned. Upon completion of a course repeated for a grade under the above policy, it is the student’s responsibility to request the recalculation of the grade point average in the Office of the Registrar.
Finals Examinations
In some cases procedures other than final examinations may be used as a part of a student’s evaluation. Such a substitute procedure should be noted on the course syllabus and be approved by the Department Chair and Dean of the College. There are occasions when the time and date of a final examination may be changed according to the following policy: A student having three final examinations scheduled on one day may request an adjustment by:
- Listing the courses scheduled for examination in alphabetical order
- Taking the final examinations given in the first and third classes
- Requesting a change in the date of the final examination from the professor of the second class.
Grade Reports
Grade reports are issued by the Registrar at the end of each semester. Related to students’ grades, instructors will use testing devices such as quizzes and examinations frequently enough to establish a pattern of regular study of course content by the students. Within reasonable time, instructors in courses will return quizzes, examinations, papers, and projects in order that students may know at least the general level of personal performance of courses.
Grade Appeals
Students at Savannah State University who wish to appeal a grade may initiate and pursue the appeal process within their College. Students may formally submit their concern using the SSU Grade Appeal Process and Form.
Please be aware that the student is to initiate the Grade Appeal Process, using the SSU Grade Appeal Form, when there is no grade resolution between faculty and student. The student is expected to file the Grade Appeal Form by the first day of classes of the subsequent semester.
Step 1: Using your SSU student email, complete the form, attach all supporting documentation, and submit to the faculty member of the concerned course. Copy the Department Chair (or the Program Coordinator, in the absence of a Department Chair) on the email. Supporting documentation should include:
- The course syllabus
- Graded assignments for the course
- D2L grade summary for the course
- Any other relevant materials
The faculty member will review the grade appeal via email and communicate the decision to the student within three business days, with a copy to the Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only). The faculty member will approve or deny the student’s grade appeal.
Step 2: Should the faculty member deny the grade appeal, the student can submit the grade appeal via email within one business day of the denial to the concerned Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only). The grade appeal request should be accompanied by 1) the form and all supporting documentation and 2) communication with the concerned faculty member regarding the grade appeal. The Department Chair (or Program Coordinator for COBA only), will review the grade appeal as soon as possible and communicate the decision to the student via email with a copy to the Dean. The Department Chair (or Program Coordinator for COBA only) will approve or deny the student’s grade appeal.
Step 3: Should the Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only), deny the grade appeal, the student can submit the grade appeal via email within one business day of the denial to the concerned Dean. The appeal request should be accompanied by 1) the form and all supporting documentation and 2) communication with the concerned faculty member and Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only) regarding the grade appeal. The Dean will review the grade appeal as soon as possible and communicate the decision to the student via email with a copy to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Incomplete Grades
Courses in which a student received a grade of “I” must be completed within the following semester, excluding summer sessions; otherwise these grades become “F”. The responsibility rests with the student in making up the work required, or taking the examination to change an “I” within the allotted time.
Withdrawing from the University
Savannah State is not obligated to drop students for failure to attend classes. It is the student’s obligation to drop classes, and students’ failure to officially drop a course prior to the end of the add/drop period could lead to financial and academic consequences.