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Title III

The Title III program is only one of many initiatives funded by the Department of Education (DOE) as part of a mission to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence for all Americans. The Title III Strengthening Grants Program began as part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, which sought to provide support to strengthen various aspects of the schools through a formula grant program to accredited, legal authorized HBCUs.
The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to establish or strengthen the physical plants, financial management, academic resources, and endowments of historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Originally known as Higher Education-Institutional Aid, the grant program eventually became widely known as Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities (Title III, Part B), and later recognized by the shorten version, Title III: HBCU program.
The Title III program is use to ensure students are well-prepared for the job market or graduate school. It enhances faculty and curriculum development, assist with academic accreditation achievement, support key enrollment management functions, provide advanced technology as a management and academic support function, assist the skill and professional development of faculty and support staff, and provide direct support to student development and enhancement programs.
Title III National Association of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Administrators
U.S. Department of Education
Federal Grants
Contact Us
If you have a questions or comments about SSU Title III Programs, please contact us at:
Savannah State University
P.O. Box 20432
Savannah, Georgia 31404-5123
P: (912) 358-4061
F: (912) 358-3668
Title III Director
Hill Hall, Rm 213
Phone: 912-358-4061
Fax: 912-358-3668
[email protected]
Program Manager
Hill Hall, Rm 215
Phone: 912-358-4061
Fax: 912-358-3668
[email protected]