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At Savannah State University, the STAR (Students That Are Rising) Programs are dedicated to empowering students with the resources, guidance, and opportunities they need to thrive academically, personally, and professionally. These initiatives focus on fostering resilience and removing barriers to success by addressing students’ holistic needs. From basic necessities like food and clothing to comprehensive counseling and financial planning, STAR Programs offer a wide range of support to ensure every Tiger can shine.

Clothes Closet

Clothes Closet
The closet contains gently used clothing, bags and shoes in various sizes. Registered students are able to visit the closet whenever they need items. Donations are accepted throughout the year, especially for clothes that students may use for internships and practicums.
nsoro Guardian Scholars Pre-collegiate Summer Program for High School Students.
The nsoro Educational Foundation Guardian Scholars College Bound Program is an innovative program for high school students who are currently in foster care. It is a week long summer pre-college experience on campus where they live in residence halls, meet with college students, professors and admissions officers. This program stresses the importance of academic excellence and high school graduation. In 2014 students may apply to our programs at The University of Alabama, The University of Georgia, Johnson S. Smith University and Savannah State University. All program costs are covered by nsoro.
- Be in foster care, a ward of the state or emancipated.
- Be a rising 10th-11th grader in the 2015-2016 school years.
- Demonstrate a commitment to graduate from high school, have a desire to go to a college or University, and become a contributing member of society.
- Commit to participate in all nsoro Pre-collegiate Program sessions
Laptop Scholarship
The laptop scholarship is a program supported by donations and funds raised by donors and the student coalition group to help their peers. Many homeless students report lack of resources to purchase a personal computer which will allow them to complete assignments after labs have closed and during non-traditional hours. At the end of each semester a writing competition and a GPA requirement will allow a student to participate in a competition for one laptop. The competition is advertised during the first two weeks of school.
Motivational Library
Rags to Riches stories, biographies, motivational and self-help books, CDs and DVDs for loan to registered students.
The pantry provides various personal needs items as well as laundry items and linen. Registered students can shop only once per month for all their needed items for that period. Resource availability is based on donations from the campus and community.
Adopt a Student
This program provides an opportunity for faculty, staff or an entire department who would like to provide 1-1 support for a student with books, linen, bedroom dressing, mentoring and other resources for that semester.
Home for the Holidays
This program pairs disconnected students with campus families who are willing to open their doors for special holiday meals and recreation; such as Thanksgiving and Christmas Days. This program also supports International students who are unable to return to the family home during the break.
Celebration Club
This Club is sponsored by the Student Coalition and aims to provide small birthday celebrations as well as other recognitions for significant achievements of registered students.
Case management, Counseling and Coaching
Students are expected to present to the STAR office each week for a 15 minute drop-in during each semester; for the purpose of gauging needs, addressing concerns and providing information on support and opportunities.
Financial Counseling and Post-Graduation Planning
Business and Financial Affairs provides financial literacy counseling support to students in order to help them to develop goals and a vision; as well as learn tips that are needed to become disciplined with money management. Homeless students are encouraged to do a 6 month post- graduation savings and independent living plan.
Community Referrals and Emergency Shelter
Students may be referred to community resources in order to meet needs that are beyond the scope of the STAR program; to include long term transitional housing and shelter.