Student Affairs

Greek Life

Greek-letter organizations have been a part of student life at Savannah State University since 1949.

Greek-letter organizations have been a part of student life at Savannah State University since 1949. Since it’s inception, Greek life has grown to be one of the most popular activities on campus with about 22% of the undergraduate population affiliated with one of the 9 National Pan-Hellenic sororities or fraternities represented on campus.

The University is committed to the positive development of students affiliated with Greek-letter organizations. Involvement in the Greek-letter community can enrich social and personal development.

Scholarship: Greek-letter organizations encourage each member to strive for academic excellence through participation in study sessions, fraternal scholarship programs and tutoring assistance. All chapters require a minimum 2.75 grade point average to be eligible for membership intake.

Leadership: Involvement in a Greek-letter organization fosters strong leadership. Members are encouraged to become actively involved in chapter leadership positions as well as campus-wide activities and organizations.

Service: Philanthropic service is one of the most important functions of Greek-letter organizations. Service to the campus and Savannah community is a goal which all fraternities and sororities at the University are proud to share. Each national organization has a designated philanthropy for which local chapters like those at Savannah State organize every year.

Social: Greek-letter organizations provide unique social opportunities such as parties, formals, step-shows, Greek Week, team sports, theme parties, and brotherhood/sisterhood functions. Many fraternities and sororities sponsor activities with other campus organizations throughout the year. All chapters are encouraged to responsibly plan social events which foster the personal development of its members.

Recruitment: Membership in the Greek-letter system can offer a wealth of positive opportunities for students. To become involved, students are encouraged to attend interest meetings, rushes, socials, and other events that may assist in recruitment efforts. Organizations hold these events at various times throughout the fall and spring semester.

Financial Responsibilities: Typically, each chapter collects both national and local dues and membership fees from every member. Since their inception, Greek-letter societies have been self-sufficient.

Hazing: The University defines HAZING as follows:

Students are subject to disciplinary action for engaging in hazing as defined by State of Georgia law. According to the Georgia Law Enforcement Handbook, particularly 16-5-61 (Hazing students in connection with membership, etc. in a school organization):

“It shall be unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a school organization. Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.”

For clarity, the following terms are provided:

  1. ‘Haze’ means to subject a student to an activity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, regardless of a student’s willingness to participate in such activity.
  2. ‘School’ means any school, college, or University in this state.
  3. ‘School organization’ means any club, society, fraternity, sorority, or a group living together, which has students as its principal members.
  4. ‘Student’ means any person enrolled in a school, in this state.