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Safety & Security
The mission of this police department is to enhance the quality of life in our community by working cooperatively with the public to prevent crime, preserve the peace, enforce the laws with respect to the constitutional rights of all citizens, reduce fear and provide for a safe community environment.
Investigative Division
The division operates within the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., five days a week, primarily Monday through Friday. Situations that require the services of the detective outside of normal business hours are handled on an "on-call" basis. The detectives are responsible for investigating all crimes that require follow-up investigations.
Security Division
The Security Division consists of more than 20 security officers and a security supervisor who strive to serve the Savannah State University community in a prompt, courteous and professional manner. They assist in the protection of life and property, consistent with normal safety precautions. Their efforts increase the visibility of the Public Safety Department campus-wide and allow sworn officers to focus on police duties.
Internal Affairs
Internal Affairs assists the administration in maintaining the public trust by conducting investigations of officers involved in criminal activities, use of force incidents or violations of departmental policies.
Bike Patrol
The Bike Patrol consists of one to two officers. The primary function is public relations, crime prevention and routine patrol in the non-traditional housing areas. The unit has received positive feedback on its visibility, effectiveness and professionalism.
SERVICE, INTEGRITY, PROFESSIONALISM, AND TEAMWORK are the motto for the Department of Public Safety. We believe that if we adhere to these four core values we will not only succeed, but excel in our goal to be one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the University System of Georgia. These core values drive us daily and will continue to propel us to impending success. These core values foster a sense of humility and remind us every day why we are here; for the safety of our students, staff, faculty and visitors.
Campus Carry (HB280)
Savannah State University acknowledges Georgia’s Campus Carry law (House Bill 280) and adheres to its regulations, ensuring students and staff are aware of the legal guidelines for carrying concealed handguns on campus. However, while recognizing the law, the university emphasizes a commitment to maintaining a safe, supportive educational environment and does not actively promote the practice of carrying firearms on campus.
USG HB280 Guidance