
Sociology is the study of social life and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. It investigates the structure of groups, organizations and societies, its formation, development and interactions.

A part of College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
black women at conference table smiling

Sociology is the study of social life and the social causes and consequences of human behavior.

Sociology is the study of social life and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. It investigates the structure of groups, organizations and societies, its formation, development and interactions. Since all human behavior is social, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob, from crime to religion, from the divisions of race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture. The undergraduate program, with courses such as research methods, statistics, theory, demography and sociological practicum, equips students for employment in a wide range of occupations in the public and private sector. These include social research, the health professions, business, social service and data processing. Sociology is a popular undergraduate major for students planning further study in such professions as law, business, education, social work and public administration.

The sociology program, with study in research methods, statistics, theory, demography and sociological practicum, equips students for employment in a wide range of occupations in the public and private sector. These include social research, the health professions, business, social service and data processing. Sociology is a popular undergraduate major for students planning further study in such professions as law, business, education, social work and public administration.

Our Mission

The primary mission of the Department of Sociology is to produce and disseminate sociological knowledge. The Department requires that each of its students be able to demonstrate concretely that they support this mission. The mission is reflected in the acquisition of sociological research and teaching skills, the expeditious completion of the degree, and the production of an independent, original research. It is also demonstrated by the ability to attain and maintain currency in the field and to apply the knowledge obtained to societal problems.

Sociology as Discipline

Sociology is the scientific study of social life, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. Since all human behavior is social, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob; from presentation of self to religious cults, from the divisions of race, gender, and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture; from the place of childhood in the life cycle to societal perspectives on death and dying; and from the sociology of work to the sociology of health care. In fact, few fields have such broad scope and relevance for research, theory, and the application of knowledge.

Sociology provides many distinctive perspectives on the world, generating new ideas and critiquing the old. The field offers a range of research techniques that can be applied to virtually any aspect of social life: mental illness, corporate downsizing, how people express emotions, welfare and educational reform, how families differ and flourish, or problems of family violence and war. Because sociology addresses the most challenging issues of our time, it is a rapidly expanding field whose potential is increasing tapped by those who craft policies and create programs. Sociologists understand social inequality, patterns of behavior, forces for social change and resistance, and how social systems work.

american sociological association
Students can learn about the discipline and career opportunities by visiting the American Sociological Association.

What To Study

The program offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree programs and minors in Sociology. The SBS courses and degree programs are intended to provide for systematic advancement towards professional careers and graduate studies in the social and behavioral sciences. Professionally-oriented courses, research and clinical internships, close faculty-student relationships, and liaisons with governmental and community agencies are emphasized as a means of helping students reach their academic and professional goals.

Sociology, BS

Sociology Minor