Social Work (MSW)

The social work program combines social, behavioral and natural sciences with group social work skills, values and methodologies of intervention at the individual, family, group, institution and community levels.

A part of College of Graduate Studies
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Social Work Program

cswe logo 2023Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the mission of the MSW program is to build on the generalist foundation and prepare students for specialized practice in Social Administration and Advanced Clinical Practice.  The MSW Program promotes student focused learning, affirms the African American legacy and fosters a unique multicultural environment through its curriculum and advocacy roles in community change. The program graduate’s students who are culturally competent to practice social work in rural, urban and global settings.

Required Courses

Dual Specialization
Students are permitted to pursue a Dual Specialization. The Dual Specialization allows students the option of taking three (3) additional core specialization courses (9 credit hours) from the Clinical Specialization or the Social Administration Specialization.

Master of Social Work, MSW

Admission Requirements

MSW Admission Requirements

Admission to the MSW program is on a selective basis. Prospective students apply to the Office of Graduate Studies. Only completed applications are reviewed by the Social Work Admissions Committee.

Completed admission applications are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with liberal arts courses from the social sciences, behavioral sciences, natural sciences, biological sciences, and humanities
  • Grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 on a 4.0 scale for regular admission
  • Grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for Advanced Standing
  • GRE is not required of applicants with a minimum GPA of 2.8 from an accredited institution
  • Applicants with a GPA below 2.80 must submit official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores within the last five years. Successful applicants must have a score of 3.0 on the analytical writing portion
  • Provisionally admitted applicants with a GRE writing score below 3.0 will be required to take MSWK 6500 Critical Writing & Analysis in Social Work
  • Official transcript(s) direct from all colleges/universities attended
  • Office of Graduate Studies Social Work Application with a 500-1,000 word “Directed Essay” indicating the applicant’s reasons for wishing to pursue graduate studies in social work at SSU
  • Two letters of reference (academic and/or professional persons)

(An in-person interview is scheduled when determined by the admissions committee.)

Regular Full Time Admission

The Full-Time curriculum begins in the fall semester. This is a two-year 60 credit hour program with students completing a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester.

Advanced Standing Admission

The Advanced Standing curriculum begins in the summer semester. Only students who have earned the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree from a CSWE accredited program within the last five years are eligible for the Advanced Standing admission. Students admitted into the Advanced Standing program who fail to earn a grade of “B” in any course will be removed from Advanced Standing. The student may be given the option of continuing in the regular two-year MSW degree program. The student will not be allowed back in the Advanced Standing curriculum. Advanced Standing requires a total of 33 credit hours and is completed within 12 months.

Provisional Admission

Applicants who want to obtain the MSW degree, but do not fully satisfy the requirements for admission may be given consideration for provisional admission status. The student must earn a grade of “B” in each course during the first semester of enrollment in order to remain in the MSW Program. Student who have not completed the specified liberal arts core may also be admitted provisionally, however, they must successfully (“C” or better) complete the prerequisite courses within the first year of admission.

Non-Degree Seeking Admission

Non-degree students can apply up to 6 semester hours of graduate credit taken at SSU to the MSW program This category is temporary and applicants must complete an application for admission. Non-degree students must satisfy all prerequisites before enrolling in a course. Students Lengths in non-degree status are not eligible for financial aid.

Students admitted in the Non-Degree Seeking program may register for the following courses that are part of the M.S.W. foundation:

  • MSWK 6654: Theoretical Perspective on Human Behavior and Social Environment (3 credits)
  • MSWK 6680: Social Welfare Policy and Services (3 credits)
  • MSWK 6649: Ethics and Diversity in Social Work Practice (3 credits)

Admissions Appeal

An applicant denied admission to the Master of Social Work program may appeal the decision in writing to the Chair of the Social Work Department. The applicant will be required to provide additional information in support of the appeal. The appeal process begins with the Chair’s Office and continues through the channels as described elsewhere in this document.

No Credit for Life Experience and Previous Work Experience

Although life experience and previous work experience are important and helpful to prospective students; in accordance with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the MSW program does not waive its academic requirements, including Field education, in lieu of these experiences.

Graduate Student Advisement

Each student enrolled in the Masters of Social Work Program is assigned a graduate faculty advisor. The faculty advisory will help the student plan a program of study consistent with the student’s academic goals and will approve all course selections prior to registration.

Transfer Credit

The Department of Social Work may accept up to 27 credit hours from an accredited CSWE program.
Transfer credit may be granted if the applicant meets the following:

  • All admission requirements for the MSW Program and Savannah State University Graduate School requirements
  • MSW course(s) completed in a CSWE approved program within the last five years
  • A minimum grade of “B” earned in each course for transfer credit
  • Inclusion of catalog description for each requested course for transfer credit
  • Course outline or syllabus, including bibliography for each requested transfer course
  • A letter of recommendation from the Chair of the Department related to the student’s enrollment status at the previous or current Social Work Program.

Admissions Appeal

An applicant denied admission to the Master of Social Work program may appeal the decision in writing to the Chair of the Social Work Department. The applicant will be required to provide additional information in support of the appeal.


Admission is granted for a specific term. Admitted students must confirm their plan to attend. If an applicant chooses not to enroll in the term for which admission was granted, the admission is forfeited. The department will consider written requests to defer an admission offer for up to one year. Reasons for the request should be stated clearly.

Students who are accepted into the MSW Program and wish to defer admissions must notify the Department of Social Work and the Office of Graduate Studies in writing by June 1, of the year accepted.