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Key Request
The Savannah State University key and locking systems are maintained by the Mechanical Maintenance division of Physical Plant; however, the card access control unit is a function of Auxiliary Services. Procedures for requesting keys are outlined in the key policy.
Procedures for requesting services or repairs to the existing equipment are outlined in the lock policies.
Physical Plant (912) 358-4354
Public Safety (912) 358-3004
Key Control Policy
A functional and working key control system enhances security. Keys will be issued to faculty and staff on the basis of need, not convenience. Students or part-time employees who require access to campus facility areas must receive keys through a faculty or staff employee. The number of keys issued will be kept to a minimum. All key requests must be submitted via key request form, following the procedures outlined herein. The issuance of campus Grand Master keys will require the approved signature of the Vice President for Business and Finance.
Terminating employees must return all keys issued in their name to the key shop prior to departing the campus. Human Resources must ensure that employees obtain clearance from the Key Shop at Physical Plant before they will be allowed to exit the University. There will be a charge for all lost keys as determined by the values placed on the individual keys denoted on the key request form.
- Prepare Savannah State University Key Request Form, all fields are required.
- A Key Request Form that is properly filled out, and has obtained the correct signatures, may be emailed, faxed or brought the Physical Plant.
Grand Master Keys
- Receive and review key request from departments requiring secondary approval. Approve or disapprove request. If not approved, return with reason for denial to the department where it originated
- If approved, sign key request and forward to Physical Plant.
Key Shop
- When a key request is received, advise any related/concerned parties about any special security concerns related to the key request.
- The key requester will be required to pick up keys at Physical Plant.
- Employees must sign for all keys received.
Replacement Costs
The following charges will be billed to the individual employee when keys are lost.
Single Operators | $50 |
Sub-Masters | $250 |
Building Masters | $500 |
Grand Masters | $1000 |
In addition to replacement cost of the key, there may be an additional charge to re-key the affected areas.
Key Return Procedures
The terminating employee must process through Physical Plant and obtain authorization for clearance as required by Human Resources.
Transferring employees must return all current keys to Physical Plant. New keys will be issued as appropriate, following the procedures for issuance of keys.
Housing Office will notify Physical Plant of lost keys and charge students appropriately.
If keys are missing, the individual will make arrangements to pay appropriate charges and bring receipt to Physical Plant to obtain signature for final clearance. Appropriate charges are indicated on the original key request form. Advise individuals of lost keys and appropriate charges.
All lost/stolen keys must be reported to the Campus Police Department within 24 hours and a copy of the report forwarded to Physical Plant. If lost keys are returned to Physical Plant, Campus Police must be notified to clear their reports.
Except in the case of an emergency, the Campus Police Department will NOT unlock a building, room etc. to provide access for an individual who has been locked out. In addition, Physical Plant is not authorized to unlock doors for ANYONE. We do not have any way of knowing or verifying who should or should not have access to a particular room or building.
Each department is responsible for establishing a procedure for identifying an individual (s) to contact in the event of a lock out.
Key Shop Responsibilities
- Creating and maintaining a keying system that provides structure and accountability for occupying campus facilities
- Performing all maintenance and repair of university locks and related hardware
- Fabricating and issuing keys that will provide access to campus facilities
- Maintaining current and accurate key records
- Verifying with SSUPD reports concerning the loss of theft of keys
- Protecting the integrity of the University
Key Holder Responsibilities
- When requesting duplicate keys, the requester must provide proof that requestor still has all original issued (keys)
- When requesting replacement keys, the requestor must provide a receipt showing that the key was paid for in full before a new replacement key will be issued.
- All keys are property of the University. All keys are to be returned to key control office under the following conditions: (1) termination; (2) transferring from one department to another; (3) by request of the key control office; (4) by request of department head/dean; (5) contract ends; (6) resignation
- Students, student employees, temp/casual labor or positions not regarded as permanent and benefited shall not be issued keys for purposes other than residing on campus
- It is the sole responsibility of the key holder to be responsible for his/her keys. Keys lost/stolen keys shall be reported immediately. Charges will be incurred by the individual responsible for lost/stolen keys. Keys lost to residential room doors will be re keyed regardless of the loss circumstances. Housing policy will dictate any costs passed to the resident.
- Keys may be checked out to vendors if a campus representative for the contractor provides proof of need. Keys checked-out to vendors shall be returned on the same business day unless authorized by a signed agreement with the campus representative. Circumstances that require a non-employee to have keys over a period of time will require a campus representative to sign for the keys and he/she will be held responsible for their safe return. All contractors and/or vendors requesting keys for a “day†must get them from Physical Plants front desk.
- Keys checked out on “rings†shall not be removed from the ring for any reason.
- Keys shall not be duplicated except by the key shop, no exceptions. Disciplinary action may be taken for any case in which a key holder attempts to duplicate any key issued by Physical Plant.
- Keys shall not be hidden
- Keys shall remain in the possession of the key holder at all times
- All keys shall be returned to Physical Plant upon separation from the University
- Keys shall not be used to open doors for anyone other than the key holder unless authorized and supervised.
- Keys shall not be loaned out
- Keys are to be issued and used for official University business only
- Keys will be issued based on the need for access, not for convenience
- Keys shall not be used for any purpose other than that in which it was issued
- Department heads/Deans are not authorized to approve key requests for areas of campus in which he/she is not responsible.
- Damaged or broken keys are to be reported to the key control office immediately (or on the next business day)
- Any keys found should be returned to Physical Plant immediately, if keys are found after regular business hours they should be returned to the Savannah State University Campus Police Department
- The key holder must receive the key directly
Lock Policy
All locks on campus must be keyed to the Savannah State University Best master Key System. Locks in each building must be keyed to their Building Master Key System. Exceptions to this policy must be justified and approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance.
Lock/Key Change Procedures
Department shall:
- Prepare work order outlining work to be done.
- List the following information on the work order:
- Is the request for a new lock or lock change?
- Building for which new lock or lock change is requested
- Type of lock needed (door lock, desk lock, etc.)
- Statement as to how new lock is to be cored. (If request is made to core lock off the Grand Master System, obtain approval of the Vice President for Business & Finance before issuing work order)
- Reason for requesting new locks or changes
- Submit Work Order
- Obtain fund approval and forward request to Physical Plant. All request that involve adding hardware or that falls outside of the scope of†regular maintenance†will be required to have a funding approval before work will be performed.
- Advise departments of any special security concerns related to the lock request. Coordinate implementation. Unresolved questions will be brought to the attention of Physical Plant Mechanical Maintenance Superintendent.