Fall 2024 Payment Deadline Extended

August 7, 2024
To accommodate the sever weather, and campus closures
we are extending the payment deadline to Friday, August 16th, 2024, at 5:00 PM

Greetings SSU Tigers,
We are thrilled to welcome you to campus for the Fall 2024 term. We want to ensure that you are prepared for the upcoming semester, and we are aware that recent inclement weather in Savannah may have impacted your ability to meet campus deadlines. Sadly the inclement weather has temporarily closed our campus, but rest assured that as soon as we return our team will return all emails and calls as quickly as possible!

To accommodate these circumstances, we are extending the payment deadline to Friday, August 16th, 2024, at 5:00 PM

Important Reminder: Students should have their account balance paid in full to move into the SSU Housing. Housing move-in information will be shared with you from the Office of Housing and Residence Life regarding your move-in process.
Here are the proactive steps you should take to ensure your class schedule is not deleted for non-payment:

Check Your Student Balance:

  • Log into PAWS.
  • Click on “View/Pay Bill.”
  • If you see a negative number or a balance in parentheses, no additional funds are due at this time. However, please check your balance regularly. Changes to your schedule or financial aid adjustments could result in additional charges that may affect your enrollment.

Check Your Financial Aid Award:

  • Log into PAWS.
  • Select the “Financial Aid” link.
  • Choose “Offer”.
  • Under “Award by Aid Year,” select 2024-2025 to view and accept your financial aid award.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to review your award offer.
  • Make a decision on any outstanding aid.
  • Select “Submit”.
  • If you have not done so already, accept your Terms and Conditions. *New students will also need to ensure that they have completed their MPN and Loan Entrance Counseling in studentaid.gov. These items usually take 3 days to be received once completed in the federal system.

Explore Additional Scholarships:

  • Visit SSU’s Scholarship Universe website for information on additional scholarships you may qualify for.
  • If you are selected for a scholarship, monitor your SSU email. You will be required to accept the scholarship and complete a “thank you” note before the scholarship can be awarded to your financial aid package.

Enroll in a Payment Plan:

  • Log into PAWS.
  • Select “Nelnet Payment Plan”.
  • Select “Fall 2024”.
  • Select “Pay by Nelnet Payment Plan”.
  • Add an Authorized User, if applicable.
  • Pay the Non-refundable Enrollment Fee & the required down payment for the plan.
  • *Plans may be established for balances under $5500. Any balance higher than $5500, the overage will be required in the down payment. For additional information explore our Nelnet webpage.

For Assistance: 

We are here to support you and ensure a smooth start to your semester. Please reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Thank you and stay safe!