We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website, designed to enhance your experience with improved navigation and fresh content. If you encounter any broken or relocated pages, please use the search tool to find what you’re looking for. Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine and improve the site!
Advertising & Publicity
The Marketing & Communications Department at Savannah State University is dedicated to promoting the university’s mission, values, and achievements through strategic communication and creative storytelling. From managing the university’s brand and advertising campaigns to overseeing social media and media relations, the department ensures SSU’s voice is clear, impactful, and aligned with its goals.
The Marketing and Communications staff is responsible for all media purchases that promote and advance the university. This includes advertisements in periodicals, newspapers, high school publications (yearbooks, newspapers, etc.), souvenir programs, business guides and directories, etc.; billboards and other public postings; and radio and television.
Factors taken into consideration when evaluating media purchases solicited by vendors include target audience demographics, circulation, reproduction quality and more.
Please contact a member of the Marketing and Communications staff to assist with an ad plan, budget and design.
Marketing and Communications offers a number of outlets for events and stories to receive attention. Submissions for story ideas and announcements can be sent in here.
Marketing and Communications is the official channel to send press releases and advisories to the media. Requests from the media should be referred to Marketing and Communications.
To promote an event or make an announcement to an on-campus audience, submit information to Digest.
Marquee & Signage
Electronic marquee
The Savannah State University campus has two message marquees. One is near the main entrance off of LaRoche Avenue. One is near King-Frazier Student Center, facing Alexis Circle.
Typically, messages are posted each Monday morning. Employees and students may submit requests to have messages posted on the marquee. Written requests should be sent to Marketing and Communications at least seven days before the desired posting date. Requests should include the name and phone number of a contact person; student organization requests should also include the approval of the adviser.
Submission does not guarantee that a message will be posted. Message requests will be evaluated according to the date received, universal appeal and impact, timeliness and validity.
Campus signage
Event signage for official SSU events should be approved by Marketing and Communications. Please review the logo usage guidelines before submitting a draft for approval.
While the university does not have a photographer on staff, Marketing and Communications is authorized to contract photographers for university departments as needed and at the expense of the requesting department.
A completed contract and an agreement approval form, available from Marketing and Communications, along with a description of the event or photo session, should be submitted at least two weeks before the date(s) that the photos are scheduled.
Release forms
Certain types of photography and image use requires a signed media release. Contact Marketing and Communications to see if it is needed for the upcoming event.
Social Media
Savannah State embraces the use of social media. Marketing and Communications has compiled a guide for how to be great at social media. Additionally, account managers are required to attend social media workshops once per semester to remain in good standing.
Departments wishing to set up individual social media accounts are asked to contact the Marketing and Communications Office prior to doing so.
Media Requests
Media requests for information about the university, interviews with members of the SSU community and filming on campus are handled by Marketing and Communications. The media relations staff is available to help with requests from media. Employees, faculty, colleges, schools or departments that seek to generate external media coverage about a program, event or achievement must first contact the Office of Marketing and Communications.
Handling media requests
All faculty and staff should notify Marketing and Communications of media inquiries or requests.
Promoting SSU
Marketing and Communications issues releases on major research, events and initiatives affecting the university community. Contact the Marketing and Communications staff for help preparing releases.
Whether a story or event will receive outside press coverage depends on many factors, including the nature and significance of the news or event, the timing and even what other news is happening that day. Generally, a story must have some unusual aspect to warrant wide attention. Media coverage of any story or event never can be guaranteed.
Media access for guest lecturers
Marketing and Communications should be informed of any guest lectures. This helps ensure that a university staff member remains the contact for reporters who have questions about the event or university policies for press coverage. If there are specific media outlets the visiting individual would like to invite, please forward the request to Marketing and Communications and we will extend an invitation to those journalists.
Faculty who allow members of the news media to attend a class must notify students in advance to give them the opportunity to opt-out for privacy concerns.
Outside photographers and film crews
All camera crews and still photographers must obtain authorization in advance from Marketing and Communications to film, videotape or take pictures on campus. Faculty and staff should notify Marketing and Communications staff to have a photographer or film crew come to campus.
Marketing and Communications will work with offices across campus to secure the appropriate locations, ensure parking access, notify the Department of Public Safety and confirm that all permission forms are signed.