
Hiring Process

Requesting A New Position at Savannah State University

To fill a regular position, the requesting department must submit a request in the Recruiting module within OneUSG Connect.  Approval from the supervisory line of authority is required.  Human Resources must approve all postings.

A position will not be advertised until ALL required approvals have been obtained.

Step One : Position Description Approval

To fill any position, a position description must be submitted to Human Resources for review and approval.  The template for position descriptions can be obtained by contacting HR.


Step Two: Posting Approval

Regular positions must be posted via the Recruitment module in OneUSG Connect.  Approvals must be received from the supervisory line of authority, Budget, and Human Resources.

All approvals must be received before a position will be posted.

Step Three: Recruitment/Search Committee Training

All hiring managers and search committee members must participate in training before gaining access to the applicant pool.  Training is required annually and conducted by Human Resources once per quarter.

Step Four : Advertising The Position

Our standard advertising venues are the Employment Opportunities page on HR’s website,, and Inside HigherEd (for professional staff and faculty positions).  Positions may also be advertised on other external sites.  Please contact HR for a complete listing.

Generally, positions are advertised for two to three weeks or longer as requested by the hiring manager. Each posting has a unique link and applications must be completed online.

Internal positions are advertised on the Employment Opportunities page on the HR website for a minimum of one week. Current, regular employees of SSU who are interested in applying for the position will submitting requested materials via OneUSG Connect. Once the position has closed those employees applications will be reviewed for consideration by the hiring officials.

Step Five : Choosing a Candidate

The search chair and committee will review cover letters, resumes, and references of all applicants. Review of applications begin upon receipt and will continue until the posted consideration date.

After the completion of interviews, the hiring manager will make a recommendation and supply all screening material to Human Resources for review.  A background investigation is required for all candidates recommended for hire.

Step Six: Offering the Position

Conditional offers can only be extended by Human Resources (classified staff and administrators) or Academic Affairs (faculty positions). Only after the successful completion of a background check will an official offer be extended to a candidate. 

New hires should begin employment at the beginning of their designated pay period.