College of Sciences & Technology

Marine and Environmental Sciences

Savannah State University’s location in a growing port city adjacent to a salt marsh tidal creek, makes it ideal for marine and environmental training and research. The campus has ready access to the marine and terrestrial coastal environments, in a region increasingly impacted by industry and development.

Strengths of the SSU Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences are quality teaching using high impact practices, student research engagement embedded throughout the degree programs, numerous student-focused grants providing students with extracurricular engagement and funding, and post-graduate success in the workplace and in graduate studies.

Student engagement in research and hands-on learning is a hallmark of each of our degree programs.

For more details about the Department of Marine & Environmental Sciences, its degree programs, and research interests contact Dr. Carol Pride, Chair, [email protected]

Academic Programs

Marine Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences degree program prepares students for careers addressing marine resource and coastal environmental issues through research, education and outreach.
View Program

Marine Sciences (MSMS)

The Master of Science in Marine Sciences (MSMS) program is the only one of its kind based in Southeast Georgia with direct access to estuarine, coastal and open-ocean research environments. SSU is known as ‘the University by the Sea’ and the Georgia estuarine salt marsh ecosystem is out the backdoor of our classrooms and laboratories.
Our Graduate Program