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Field Experience

The Office of Field and Clinical Experiences welcomes you to the place where learned theories are put into practice! Field experiences provide opportunities to triangulate theory, research, and skills to enhance the desire to become a successful educator. Our office strives to help candidates prepare for what is one of the most challenging and rewarding professional careers available in today’s workforce.
Field and clinical experiences offer multiple opportunities for candidates to develop, practice and demonstrate the content, pedagogical knowledge, skills and professional dispositions that promote learning and student growth for all students. During field and clinical experiences, candidates observe, assist, tutor, plan, instruct, analyze data and conduct research. Field and clinical experiences are ongoing throughout each program curricula and take place in a variety of P-12 school-based settings. The College of Education faculty, staff, and our P-12 partners work diligently with candidates to ensure success in the quest to become reflective practitioners, change agents, and lifelong learners.
The Field and Clinical Experience Coordinator assigns all candidates in diverse school-based settings. Field and clinical experiences are under the supervision and mentoring of certified clinical educators drawn from discipline-specific, pedagogical and P-12 professionals who are trained to coach and provide feedback to candidates. We are committed to helping candidates become the best practitioners and decision makers the profession has to offer.
Candidates will engage in 900 continuous clock hours:
- Field Experience 30 clock hours (pre-service courses)
- Field Experience 240 clock hours (candidacy)
- Field Experience 630 clock hours (clinical practice/student teaching)
Candidate must provide their own transportation to complete all field and clinical experiences.