College of Education

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the acronym STEM mean?

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Who is eligible?

See the requirements tab above.

Are Savannah Technical College Students eligible?

Yes, those STC students that meet the criteria are eligible to transfer and apply.

What year am I eligible to apply for the Noyce Scholarship?

Qualifying Sophomore and Junior undergraduates may apply for the Noyce Scholarship for their junior and senior year. STEM Professionals may apply to receive a Noyce Stipend.

What is the deadline for submitting the official Noyce Scholarship Application packet?

The deadlines are:
Undergraduates & STEM Professionals
November 15 for Spring
May 15 for Fall

Summer Internships (rising sophomores & STC students)
Application Opens: February 1
Application Due: February 28

I am a current Noyce Scholar and would like to re-apply next year. Do I have to submit an entire new application with new letters of recommendation?

A new application, transcript and updated resume is required, but new letters are not required; however the student may submit new material(s) e.g., new statement of purpose or reference letters) if they would like.

Will the Noyce scholarship affect my financial aid?

If your financial aid plus the Noyce scholarship exceeds the total cost of attendance at SSU, then your financial aid award will be reduced only by the amount that exceeds the cost of attendance.

I am a transfer student. Should I send transcripts from the previous college I attended?

Yes, official transcripts from previous institutions are mandatory.

When will I be notified that I was chosen to receive the scholarship?

Applications will be reviewed and determinations will be made prior to the next semester. Letters will be sent to all applicants’ email addresses at the end of the processing period.

What happens if I cannot find a job in a high-need school district?

If after exhaustive efforts, you cannot find a job in a high-need school district, your scholarship will be converted into a loan, which you must pay back according to terms detailed in the agreement you sign to accept the Noyce Scholarship. You will have eight years to complete your obligation to teach in a high-needs district.

Is there a list of high-need schools that qualify?

For more information on high-need school districts

What if I cannot find a teaching job?

Scholarship and Stipend recipients have eight years to fulfill the teaching requirement. In some instances, due to circumstances beyond your control, the requirement may not be met. In this instance: 1) The scholarship amount must be paid back plus a fixed annual interest rate; or, 2) The scholarship committee would review the case to determine whether sufficient attempts to meet the obligations were made.

How many years do I have to teach in a high-need school district?

The recipient must teach in a high-need school district for two years per Noyce scholarship award, i.e. Jane applied and received a scholarship in her sophomore and junior years of college (two scholarships), so she must teach for four years (two scholarships times two years equals four years [2 scholarships x 2 years = 4 years teaching obligation]

At what school will I teach?

The Noyce Team does not place Noyce Scholars. While you must choose a high-need school district, the Scholar is free to choose the location he/she applies for positions. The Noyce Team/Project Coordinator can help the Scholar determine if the school is high-need.

Do I have to teach in Savannah, Georgia?

Even though there is a huge demand in Savannah, Georgia for the best and brightest science and math teachers, Noyce Scholars can teach in any qualified high-need school district throughout the United States.