College of Education

Admissions Requirements

To be admitted to the College of Education’s Educator Preparation Program

To be admitted to the College of Education’s Educator Preparation Program, which leads to Georgia Teacher Certification, you must meet the following criteria accepted by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC). The GaPSC is the state agency that issues the Georgia Teacher Certification and not the College of Education.

1. Entrance Testing Requirements:

  1. 240 Tutoring Diagnostic Reading Test Score or 15 clocked hours in the 240 Tutoring Reading Module;
  2. 240 Tutoring Diagnostic Math Test Score or 15 clocked hours in the 240 Tutoring Math Module;
  3. 240 Tutoring Diagnostic Content Area Test Score; Biology: ETS Practice Biology Test score; Secondary Math: ETS Practice Math Test score; Music: ETS Practice Music Test score; Engineering and Technology: ETS Practice Engineering and Tech Test score.

OR an Existing GACE Admission Tests Scores (posted prior to July 1, 2022):

Reading Score – 200 or higher and Math Score – 200 or higher in place of 240 Tutoring Reading
And Math.

2. Cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5

3. Pass EDUC 2110, EDUC 2120, & EDUC 2130 and complete 30 hours of field experiences

4. Submit a completed application for with all the required documents attached:

  1. Obtain 2 Faculty Recommendation letters: one from a content area/academic professor/instructor and one from a College of Education professor/instructor.
  2. Provide the names of 2 professors/instructors – one from College of Education and one from your academic courses who can verify your course attendance record.
  3. Student Disposition Forms completed by the people who write the recommendation letters: form with the application packet provided to you.
  4. Submit official SSU transcript (order transcript from registrar website, and have it electronically sent to Assessment Specialist, COE, [email protected]) cost $4.
  5. Submit Why I want to teach paper (why do you want to teach, what grade, and what content).
  6. Submit background check (For free SSU background check: Contact Sgt. Brown at 912-358-3035 or [email protected] to make an appointment to fill out the required consent forms for the background check).
  7. Submit the Verification of Lawful Presence form, which is with application packet (Dr. Thompson can notify, if you make an appointment with her) with a copy of the front and back of your Driver’s License.
  8. Acquire a Student Membership in the GAE to obtain proof of liability insurance.

After being admitted to the College of Education, you will be required to take the following tests with 4 months after your admission:

  1. GACE Ethics 360 and pass with a certificate
  2. One of the required GACE Content Test

COE Application
Student Requirement Contract
Student Disposition Form

Additionally, students who meet the College of Education’s admission requirements and are accepted in the COE preparation programs, may apply for the $4,000 TEACH Grant.