Budget Office


The Purchasing Process at Savannah State University, overseen by the Procurement Department, is designed to ensure the efficient, transparent, and responsible acquisition of goods and services that support the university’s mission. From identifying needs to securing contracts, the process adheres to state regulations, university policies, and best practices to achieve cost-effectiveness while maintaining quality and compliance.

Procurement strives for continued process and service improvements of the University’s procurement and acquisition functions. The specific goals are to:

  • Streamline and continual improvement of the procurement function of the University
  • Continued enhancement of all services provided by purchasing to its customers.
  • Ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations

Remember that prior authorization is required for all activities that commit institutional funds. This is generally in the form of a Purchase Order.

Procurement Process

Coming soon

What is the status of my requisition?

The requisition requester can view the purchase lifecycle through Manage Requisitions. Enter search criteria, choose “view cycle” from the drop-down and press Go.

From this cycle, requesters can see the PO number, receipt information, as well as the payment status.

What are some common mistakes on requisitions?

There are several easily corrected errors that may place your requisition in a hold state. Prior to submission, check your requisitions to ensure these are correct:

  • Is a quote included?
  • Do the lines on the requisition match the quote?
  • Is a supplier selected?
  • Do the accounting details match the department’s budget?
  • Is the contract attached (for services)?
  • Has IT completed a data security review (for software)?

How do I search for NIGP/Category codes?

NIGP codes, or category codes, are 5-digit identifiers for purchased commodities. To find a code, visit State Purchasing, scroll to Additional State Purchasing Resources, and click on the National Institute for Governmental Purchasing link. Use the NIGP Key Word Search for accurate code selection.

 Commonly Used NIGP Codes

Where can I find suppliers on state contract?

Visit State Purchasing and navigate to Additional State Purchasing Resources. You can search statewide contracts in two ways:

a. Access the Statewide Contracts List and Assigned Contract Management Specialist for a spreadsheet of contracts and details.

b. For a detailed search, go to Team Georgia Marketplace. Log in with username and password as tgmguest. Hover over the prize ribbon, select “search contracts,” and search by product type or supplier name.

How many quotes do I need?

If there is not a statewide contract in place, you’ll need to request quotes from suppliers. If feasible, the below thresholds apply:

  • Up to $10,000 – one quote
  • $10,000 – $24,999 – three quotes
  • $25,000+ – contact Procurement

What is the bid limit for a good or service?

The bid limit is $25,000. Purchases of goods and services totaling $25,000 or more require that the University undergo a bidding process unless the good or service is on a statewide contract or designated as exempt.

A list of exempt goods and services is available at State Purchasing. Scroll to Additional State Purchasing Resources, then click the link for the National Institute for Governmental Purchasing, and select the NIGP Exempt List under Related Documents.

When can SSU use a P-Card?

P-Cards are currently restricted to these categories:

  • Student travel
  • Employee flights
  • Employee registration
  • Urgent needs approved by VP of Business and Finance

Prior authorization is requested through the P-Card Requisition.

What is e-Verify?

O.C.G.A. 13-10-91 (b) (1) mandates that service contracts over $2,499.99 with state agencies require a signed, notarized affidavit on standard forms confirming compliance with the federal E-Verify program, or a specific exemption must be indicated. Independent contractors are exempt from the E-Verify requirement but instead must provide a copy of their driver’s license or state ID along with an Independent Contractor Affidavit.

E-Verify is a free system provided by DHS and USCIS for employers to verify employee work eligibility (http://www.uscis.gov).
