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The mathematics program provides students with computational and problem-solving skills, an understanding of basic physical principles, and the theory and applications necessary for use in post-baccalaureate study and in the work force. Learners gain insights into physical and natural laws, and the analytical and logical thinking necessary for the application of these tools. The program prepares students for advanced degrees and employment in various math-related areas such as research, teaching, national defense, public health and more.
The Department of Mathematics is one of the fastest growing departments in the College of Sciences and Technology (COST). The primary goal is to ensure that every student in each math class has the maximum opportunity for success. The department offers a supportive environment by providing a well-organized tutoring center run by qualified faculty and students.
Majors are exposed to a wide and balanced mathematical curriculum, including a variety of areas in applied and pure mathematics. We offer courses ranging from college algebra to differential equations.
The department is also engaged in mathematical research
For further information, please contact our College Admin at 912-358-4435.