Campus Closure Notice: Tropical Storm Debby – August 2024

August 5, 2024
Due to the anticipated impact of Tropical Storm Debby, all general campus operations will be suspended on Monday, August 5th, and Tuesday, August 6th, 2024.

Hello Tiger Community,
Due to the anticipated impact of Tropical Storm Debby, all general campus operations will be suspended on Monday, August 5th, and Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. Essential emergency personnel, including Campus Police, Facilities, IT, and others, should follow guidance from their respective area leaders regarding reporting times and locations.
Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, will be a planned telework day. If you need any technology equipment from campus, please arrange to pick it up by tomorrow (8/5) at noon. Team leaders will assist employees with any related challenges.
All campus events from Monday, August 5th, through Wednesday, August 7th, including the Faculty/Staff Institute, have been canceled. Information about rescheduling will be shared at a later date.

An unprecedented amount of rainfall, along with thunderstorms, high winds, lightning, and potential tornadoes, is forecasted for the Savannah area from tonight through the next few days. These conditions may result in flooding, power outages, fallen trees, and debris on roadways and across campus. We urge you to prioritize your safety and stay updated on the latest weather information.

Stay Informed: To receive emergency alerts, sign up here: Emergency Alerts. Updates will be communicated through Everbridge alerts, email, and social media.

Safety Precautions:

  • Avoid driving on campus during the closure. Buildings will be locked, and Campus Police will focus on emergency response.
  • Avoid entering flooded areas.
  • Park your vehicle on higher ground. If your car is parked on campus, please relocate it off-campus before the closure begins.
  • Camilla Hubert Hall, the Freshman Living Learning Center, Payne Hall, and the Commons parking lots are at higher risk for flooding.

In Case of Emergency: For emergencies on campus, contact Public Safety at 912-358-3004.
We urge all employees to exercise caution and prioritize their safety.