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Estuary Literary Arts Journal Accepting Submissions for Spring 2024 Issue
Savannah State University’s Estuary literary arts journal is now accepting submissions for its Spring 2024 issue. Students, faculty and staff are invited to submit to Estuary and take part in both college-level and university-wide competitions. Submissions are being accepted through the month of February.
Competition categories include best poem, best short story and best narrative non-fiction. One winner from each college will be selected with a best overall. Winners receive two copies of the 150-page published journal, a printed award, and an Estuary t-shirt. Best overall in each category also receives a $25 gift card. Authors of all published work receive a free copy of the journal and will be invited to read and the launch party scheduled for late April.
Additionally, the journal will accept submissions of artwork, comics, and anything imaginative.
All submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Each submission must include full name, major and college, and genre of the submission. Submissions must also include contact information and a short biography of the contestant. Files accepted include word document or image file for art. The work should be carefully edited and ready for publication.
For additional information, please contact Dr. Chad Faries, advisor, Estuary Creative Arts Club, at 912.358.3329.