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Our program offers a comprehensive foundation in various scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. With a focus on hands-on laboratory experiences and experienced faculty dedicated to student success, our Associate of Science degree sets the stage for a successful transition into a bachelor’s program or a rewarding career in the scientific field.

The College of Sciences and Technology offers an Associate of Science, Core Curriculum degree. The Associate of Science, Core Curriculum degree is primarily intended to be a transfer degree leading to a STEM baccalaureate degree. The A.S. degree provides a foundation in mathematics and science designed for transfer into a prescribed area of specialization.
Courses Overview
The AS degree consists of 60 semester credit hours; generally, 43 hours of the required core curriculum coursework (Area A-E) and 17 hours of lower division requirements, related to a bachelor’s degree field of study (Area F).
Articulation agreements have been established with other system institutions, which lead to a Bachelor of Science degree. Please see a departmental advisor for specific courses in Area F.