Graduate Studies

Master's Degree Programs

The University’s mission is to graduate students prepared to perform at higher levels of economic productivity, social responsibility, and excellence in their chosen fields of endeavor in a changing global community.

Business Administration (MBA)

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is designed to prepare students for careers in management and leadership in both the private and public sectors. Students acquire a comprehensive foundation in the functional areas of business, the global environment in which they will function, and the analytical tools for intelligent and ethical decision making.
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Marine Sciences (MSMS)

The Master of Science in Marine Sciences (MSMS) program is the only one of its kind based in Southeast Georgia with direct access to estuarine, coastal and open-ocean research environments. SSU is known as ‘the University by the Sea’ and the Georgia estuarine salt marsh ecosystem is out the backdoor of our classrooms and laboratories.
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Public Administration (MPA)

Our MPA program combines academic rigor with real-world application, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to address complex public issues. With a focus on leadership, policy analysis, and ethical decision-making, our MPA graduates are prepared to make a positive impact in government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the community at large.
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Social Work (MSW)

The social work program combines social, behavioral and natural sciences with group social work skills, values and methodologies of intervention at the individual, family, group, institution and community levels.
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