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Residency Waivers & Tuition Classification
Under the University System of Georgia (USG), Savannah State University (SSU) offers in-state tuition rates to residents of Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee through the Border State Waiver program. This initiative allows students from these neighboring states to benefit from reduced tuition costs, making higher education more accessible.
University System of Georgia students are responsible for registering under the appropriate tuition classification. Students classified as out of state for tuition purposes and who believe they are entitled to be classified as in state for tuition purposes may petition the institution for a change of status. There is a difference in the amount of fees charged for in-state and out-of-state students. The tuition paid by an in-state student covers only about 25% of the total cost of the student’s education in the University System. The taxpayers of Georgia contribute a substantial portion of the remaining costs through the state income tax.
Students are classified as residents or non-residents based on the application for admission. Any information indicating ties to another state (out-of-state address, out-of-state school, out-of-state driver’s license, etc.) will result in an out-of-state classification. As a state-supported institution, Savannah State University requires students to submit documented proof of residency in order to qualify for in-state tuition. Residency classification guidelines are set by the University System of Georgia and can be found here.
The information provided on this page is not all-inclusive, but is meant to provide a guide to assist students wishing to be reclassified. There is no set formula or supporting documents that guarantee a residency reclassification. The tuition classification officer review each petition individually and assesses which supporting documents are needed based on each student’s unique circumstance. No classification changes will be made without supporting documentation.
Classification as Georgia Resident
A petition should be submitted by students who have been notified by the institution that they have been classified as out of state for tuition purposes. The petition may be submitted by students wishing to provide additional documentation as evidence that domicile has been established and maintained in Georgia for 12 continuous months immediately preceding the first day of classes to be considered for possible reclassification. Students may petition as an independent or dependent person based on the following criteria:
An independent student who moved to Georgia may petition if he/she:
- Moved to the state for reasons other than attending a post-secondary educational institution;
- Abandoned all ties to the previous state or country of residence;
- Receives no financial assistance from outside of Georgia;
- Is not claimed as a dependent on the taxes of someone who resides outside of Georgia;
- Is contributing to the state by paying income taxes; and
- Is a U.S. citizen, Lawful Permanent Resident, refugee, asleep, or other eligible non-citizen as defined by federal Title IV regulations.
A dependent student whose parent or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian moved to Georgia may petition if his/her parent(s) or guardian(s):
- Moved to the state for reasons other than attending a post-secondary educational institution;
- Abandoned all ties to the previous state or country of residence;
- Receives no financial assistance from outside of Georgia;
- Is contributing to the state by paying taxes; and
- Is a U.S. citizen, Lawful Permanent Resident, refugee, asleep, or other eligible non-citizen as defined by federal Title IV regulations.
There is no set formula or supporting documents that guarantee a residency reclassification. The tuition classification officer review each petition individually and assesses which supporting documents are needed based on each student’s unique circumstance. The following are the four most frequently requested supporting documents:
- A copy of the student’s Georgia driver’s license issued on or after January 1, 2008, or a current US Passport.
- A copy of valid vehicle registration for the State of Georgia.
- A copy of the most recent state income tax return (GA 500).
- Dependent students will be required to provide their parent or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian’s GA 500; Independent students will be required to provide their own GA 500.
- If taxes are hand-written, a certified copy will be required. A certified copy may be obtained by contacting the Georgia Department of Revenue. https://dor.georgia.gov/ or 1-877-423-6711 / (404) 417-6760)
- A copy of a current lease or deed to a home or residence in Georgia.
- Dependent students will be required to provide their parent’s lease or deed and a copy of their birth certificate or legal guardianship paperwork to link the student to the parent or legal guardian.
- Independent students will be required to provide a copy of their lease or deed.
We strongly encourage submitting the above documents with the petition. Each petitioner must provide enough documentation to prove continuous domicile in the state for the past 12 months. Therefore, the tuition classification officer may require the student to turn in additional supporting documents based on the information provided through the student’s admissions application and petition.
Some students not eligible to be classified as in state for tuition purposes may be eligible for an out-of-state tuition waiver. For more information on the available out-of-state tuition waivers, students should review Section,
Petition For In State Classification
Petition For In-state Classification Students who have been classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes who believe that the submission of additional information could alter that decision, may submit this petition and supporting documentation to request to be considered for reclassification. This petition should only be submitted by students who have been notified that they have been classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes. Deadline for petitioning for Georgia residency is by the end of the 5th week of the semester for fall and spring and by the end of the 2nd week of the summer term.
Economic Advantage Waiver
Dependent or independent students who can provide clear evidence that they have relocated to the state of Georgia to accept full-time, self-sustaining employment and have established domicile in the state of Georgia are eligible for this wavier. Relocation to the state must be for reasons other than enrolling in an institution of higher education.
Career Consular Waiver
Career consular officers, their spouses, and their dependent children who are citizens of the foreign nation that their consular office represents and who are stationed and living in Georgia under orders of their respective governments.
Non-Resident Waiver
Dependent students whose parents or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian has maintained domicile in Georgia for 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term are eligible for this waiver.
Independent students whose spouse has maintained domicile in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the term are eligible for this waiver.
Military Personnel Waiver
Military personnel, their spouses, and their dependent children stationed in or assigned to Georgia and on active duty are eligible for this waiver.
Recently Separated Military Personnel Waiver
Any member of a uniformed military service in the U.S. who, within 36 months of separation from such service, enrolls in an academic program and demonstrates intent to become domiciled in Georgia is eligible for this waiver. This waiver may also be granted to spouses and/or dependent children.
Georgia National Guard and U.S. Military Reservists Waiver
Students who are active members of the Georgia National Guard (GNG), students who are stationed or assigned to Georgia by their National Guard, or students who are active members of a unit of the U.S. Military Reserves based in Georgia are eligible for this waiver. Spouses and dependent children of the qualifying GNG member are also eligible for this waiver.
University System of Georgia Employee Waiver
Full-time employees of the University System of Georgia, their spouses, and their dependent children are eligible for this waiver.
Full-Time Employees in Public Schools of GA or the Technical College System Waiver
Full-time employees in the public schools of Georgia or in the Technical College System of Georgia, their spouses, and their dependent children are eligible for this waiver.
Teachers Employed Full-Time on Military Bases Waiver
Teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia qualify for this waiver.
Border State Waiver
Students who reside in the state of Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee are eligible for this waiver. (This waiver is for students pursuing an undergraduate degree)
Border County Waiver
Students domiciled in an out-of-state county bordering Georgia, enrolling in a program offered at a location approved by the Board of Regents and for which the offering institution has been granted permission to award the waiver.
Presidential Waiver
According to Board of Regents policy we are allowed to award a limited number of waivers. (This waiver is for students pursing an undergraduate degree)‘
Tiger 62 Waiver
Georgia residents who are aged 62 and older may be eligible to take courses on a space available basis at little or no cost.