Office of Student Conduct

The Student Conduct Coordinator is the University's conduct review administrator. The Student Conduct Coordinator has authority to receive complaints on student misconduct, direct such investigations as may seem appropriate, summon students who are directly involved or have knowledge of misconduct, and serve as a hearing officer. At the conclusion of an investigation, it is the responsibility of the Student Conduct Coordinator to determine whether to take no action, refer the matter to an appropriate internal or external agency/department, or issue a charge to a student for violating the Code of Student Conduct. Depending on the nature of the misconduct, the Student Conduct Coordinator will determine if the case can be adjudicated either administratively by mutual consent of all parties involved or formally.

For clarity of purpose, less severe cases of misconduct can be resolved and/or adjudicated administratively. In such cases, the Student Conduct Coordinator can impose any sanction on the student. Certain less severe cases may be resolved by mutual consent of all parties involved, such as, but not limited to, mediation sessions or mandatory counseling from the Office of Counseling and Disability Services, Harris-McDew Student Health Center, or other unit. In the event there is no mutual consent to resolve the incident, the case will be referred to either the University Conduct Review Board or the Student Government Association Judicial Branch, depending on the nature of the offense.

Consistent with its mission, Savannah State University takes seriously its commitment to fostering and maintaining an environment conducive to student learning and growth through curricular and co-curricular programs. At the same time, the University has high expectations that students govern their behavior, actions, and practices responsibly and civilly. Students are, therefore, expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the objectives and standards of conduct established by Savannah State University. Finally, students are expected to know and abide by the Code of Student Conduct. A violation of any section of the code will lead to disciplinary action regardless of factors such as class level (i.e., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, graduate student), age, race/ethnicity, place of residence (e.g., University Village, University Commons or a traditional residence hall), or whether on or off campus.


Savannah State University Tiger Values

Tiger Values represent what it means to be a student at Savannah State University. All SSU students are expected to abide by these values and our Code of Student Conduct is predicated on these concepts:

Savannah State University students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined the Code of Student Conduct. The University reserves the right to make changes to this code as necessary and once those changes are posted online, they are in effect. Students are encouraged to check online for the updated versions of all policies and procedures.

Zero Tolerance Statement

Savannah State University strives to create an education environment free from fear and intimidation. All students have the right to attend Savannah State University in a safe and secure environment. Violations of the following policies may lead to Residential and/or University Suspension/ Expulsion on the first offense:

University E-Mail Communication Statement

University email is Savannah State's primary means of communication with students. Students are responsible for all communication delivered to their University email address. Failure to check your University email will NOT BE an acceptable excuse for failing to respond to a hearing request and/or any sanctions that are imposed as the result of a hearing. The University is not responsible to send correspondence to personal email accounts- all communication will be delivered through a student's official SSU email account.

Contact Information

Cordera 'Cord' Jennings, Coordinator
Savannah State University
3219 College St.
P.O. Box 20521
Savannah, GA 31404
Phone: (912) 358-3122
Fax: (912) 358-3159

Office Hours

Monday & Friday, from 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.