Community Events
High School Virtual Reality Exploration
In June 2023, Coast Camp Middle and High school program visit the STEM Imaging and Exploration Center at SSU. The Middle and High school students were able to learn about Ocean Acidification using a interactive Virtual Reality (VR) application.
Pictures from Coast Camp Middle and High school in VITAL VR lab
In March 2023, the Coastal Boy Scouts of America’s High School Engineer Explorers Post visit Savannah State University. High school students were able to take a tour of all the STEM Imaging and Exploration Center Facilities at SSU. During the tour, the high school students explored the different sections of the VR center and had hands-on experience with Virtual Reality (VR) teaching tools. This event was coordinated with the help of the Department of Engineering Technology and the SSU STEM success center.
Pictures from Coastal Boy Scouts of America's High School Engineer Explorers Post in the VITAL VR Lab
In March 2023, The STEM Imaging and Exploration Center coordinated with Department of Chemistry and Forensic (SSU) to provide a tour and VR teaching and learning experience to Beach High Forensic Science program. The High School students were able to participate in three different Forensic Science activities. These activities were Drug Analysis in Crime Lab, Fingerprints/Shoeprints Identification, and Virtual Reality Crime Scene Investigation. During the VR interactive session, the high school students explored a declassified case, collected evidence, and processed the evidence to determine the cause of death.

In November 2022, the STEM Imaging Exploration Center aided the Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science in the Savannah High Scholars students visit to Savannah State University. The Center hosted 13 students, where the students were able to experience virtual crime scenes, anatomy, and biology applications. Several students enjoyed the immersive virtual reality (VR) setting and described their experiences learning in VR applications. Overall feedback from the VTIAL’s survey was positive, more specifically, students experienced VR for the first time at Savannah State University.

Students from Savannah High exploring VR applications in the VITAL Center
In early December, the STEM Imaging Exploration Center helped the Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science to assist in the Metter High School’s student visit. The Center hosted the 40 students for two hours (two sessions) where the students were able to experience our virtual crime scene, anatomy, chemistry, and biology virtual reality applications. Specifically, the students were able to explore our Crime Scene Simulation, some of the primary organs, and tour the International Space Station. The students expressed their enjoyment of the virtual reality setting and described how “hands on” and “real” it makes learning feel. The student responses from VITAL’s survey system indicated the high school students would like to use technology such as virtual reality in future learning experiences.
Students from Meter High School are exploring the SSU- VR technologies in VITAL VR center.
Faculty and Student Development
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) to Achieve Health Equity and Diversity
On August 29th, 2023, SSU STEM Exploration Center hosted an in-person workshop “Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML) to Achieve Health Equity and Diversity” presentation by Dr. Vishwanatha. Dr. Vishwanatha talked about the bias in AI systems that hospitals use lacks representation in the minority groups.
Pictures from VTIAL Workshop "Using AI / ML to Achieve Health Equity and Diversity" by Dr. Vishwanatha
Most data used in algorithms are from white males which caused problems when applied to other ethnic groups. For an example, skin cancer machine learning (ML) detects changes in moles, was only done on white males that have pale skin. When applied to other skin tones the ML could not detect or track changes in cancerous skin cells.
Cancer Health Disparity and ASU Career Opportunities in Biomedical Sciences and STEM
On March 22nd, 2023, SSU STEM Exploration Center hosted an in-person workshop ‘Cancer Health Disparities’. The guest speaker, Dr. Manoj K. Mishra (Alabama State University), gave a presentation about the disparities of several types of cancer in low income or rural areas of Alabama, USA. Dr. Mishra’s research focused on Prostate Cancer and discussed information about a recent grant that he received from NIH to develop a cancer research center at ASU (Alabama State University). Prostate Cancer can occur in 6 cases out of 10 men. Areas that are low income or rural areas have access to treatment between 1 to 3 three specialized doctors unlike urban areas that may have up to 30 available doctors for treatment. In the rural areas, men that were diagnosis with prostate cancer may have to travel far distances to receive proper treatment.
Pictures from VITAL Worshop 'Cancer Health Disparities' by Dr. Manoj Mishra (ASU)
This workshop provided an opportunity for our SSU colleagues to explore collaboration opportunities with the ASU. In addition to that, Dr. Mishra also presented information to our SSU students about many graduate programs, research internships, and other research scholarships at ASU.
Research Student Workshop
On Jan 28th, 2023, SSU STEM Imaging Exploration Center organized an in-person workshop ‘An Immersive Journey to the Structure of Proteins’ (a Research Students Workshop by Dr. Prasad). Students were able to experience 3D learning by exploring the protein 3D structure using VITAL VR technologies. These students also experienced a virtual tour of the human body and center of the human and plant cell. Each student and faculty participating in this event had hands-on experience working with VR tools for Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Biology teaching and research.
The Effects of Smoking on the Lungs
On June 22, SSU STEM Imaging Exploration Center conducted an in-person workshop ‘Effect of Smoking on the Lungs’ to give participants a virtual tour inside the lungs and to show how smoking-related diseases spread inside the lungs. Dr. Prasad gave a presentation about the anatomy of the lungs and the impact of smoking on different parts of the lungs followed by the VR experience session. Participating students, faculty, and other community members experienced in real-time how the Bronchi, Alveoli, and other parts of the lungs are adversely affected by smoking. Smoking is the main cause of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is thought to be responsible for around 9 in every 10 cases.
All participants during the event ‘Effect of Smoking on the Lungs’ experienced how harmful chemicals in smoke can damage the lining of the lungs and airways. The event also covered the different stages of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and how the stages affect the physiology of the lungs. We also had some student participants who were planning to attend medical school in the future and this event was very helpful for these students as shown by their post-VR event survey comments in the picture above.
Breast Cancer in Virtual Reality
On October, 2021 our VR center hosted a "breast cancer in Virtual Reality event." According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. For this reason, the STEM Imaging Exploration Center decided to host a breast cancer awareness event. The event was organized in four different sessions (one hour each) to follow the COVID-related safety protocols in the VR center. The event had more than 40 participants including those of all ages and comprised of faculty members, students, and community members. The participants were able to explore how breast cancer alters surrounding tissue in Virtual Reality. Experience in real-time how the lymph nodes, surrounding muscle, and fat tissues are affected. The event also covered the different stages of breast cancer and how the stages affect the physiology of breast tissue.
For this event, the VR center also collaborated with the SSU Wellbeing Committee which provided free mammograms all day to SSU faculty and staff. Using some of the unique VR technology, participants were able to get a real 3-dimensional inside look at breast cancer tissues, compare it with healthy tissues, and see the variations of the different phases of breast cancer.
Micro CT Scanner Workshop
On September 08, 2021, VITAL (Title III) Program hosted a workshop for all SSU faculty members, staff and students for training on the Micro CT Scanner, one of the very sophisticated pieces of equipment used for teaching and research. This micro-CT is specially designed to produce 3D high-speed imaging using new X-ray source technology. The generated 3D images of samples (for example, rat, bone, dental structures, etc.) morphology and internal microstructure can then be explored by students and faculty using our already established SSU VR technology and accessories.
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Left: An image of a shark tooth scanned using SkyScan1275 Micro CT Scanner. The samples of the shark tooth were provided by Dr. Hintz and Dr. Carol Pride and her research students (funding: DoEd Title VII SSUMMS grant, PI Dr. Pride). Middle: A sample image of a human tooth using the Micro CT Scanner. Right: During the workshop, a walnut was scanned and using our advanced micro CT Scanner its internal structure was studied without opening it. |
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Pictures from Micro CT Scanner Workshop by VITAL on Sep 08, 2021. Dr. Carol Pride (Marine Science), Dr. Teresa Shakespeare (Biology), Dr. Manoj Prasad (Chemistry and Forensic), Dr. Victoria Young (Marine Science), Professor Veena Thapliyal(Chemistry and Forensic), and research students during the workshop. |
Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM) Workshop
VITAL program acquired a cutting-edge piece of technology equipment- LVEM25 Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM) to enhance our STEM teaching and research in SSU at a next level. In early September, we hosted an Electron Microscopy workshop for our faculty to experience and learn about this versatile microscope. Many Biology, Chemistry, Forensic and other STEM discipline faculty members attended this workshop. Many STEM courses can take advantage of this pioneering teaching and research tool.
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Pictures from Transmission electron microscope(TEM) Workshop by VITAL. We had many students participating in this event and these students had a wonderful interaction with VITAL team regarding this equipment |
3D and Bio-printing Workshop
VITAL (Title III) program hosted a 3D and bio-printing workshop for all SSU faculty members, staff and students on September 10, 2021. 3D printers in teaching and research related projects can help foster creativity and spark students' imaginations. STEM VITAL VR center has some of the most advanced 3D printers and bioprinters that are useful to enhance the creativity, teamwork and critical thinking in our students.
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Our VR lab technician Mr. Anthony Palacios showing faculty and students the 3D printing during the 3D and Bio-printing Workshop by VITAL (top two and bottom left pic). Our VITAL Research technician Ms. Mykela Zumbrum helping student with 3D Bio-printing in an earlier event (bottom right pic). |