Grant-Supported Student Achievements
February 6-8, 2020: Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM
Students from SSU presented at the 2020 ERN Conference, Feb. 6-8, 2020, Washington DC
November 13-16, 2019: 2019 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
Students from SSU's NSF-funded Peach State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PSLSAMP) and NIH-funded MARC scholarship programs presented at the 2019 ABRCMS Conference in Anaheim, CA, Nov 13-16, 2019.
June 28, 2018: SSU and Area High School Students Honored at Army Educational Outreach Program Event
Ms. Jennifer Ardouin, Program Manager, DOD Army Educatonal Outreach Program (AEOP), visited the SSU campus on June 28, 2018. SSU and area high school students that have been supported by AEOP and other DOD programs presented their research/training experiences to Ms. Ardouin and the campus community. The AEOP programs include the REAP and UNITE programs, which supported 13 high school students in engineering technology summer training. In addition, the DOD's HSAP and URAP programs funded 5 local high school and SSU students to conduct summer research under the Army Research Office funded grants of Dr. Kai Shen and Dr. Pascal Binda. For more information about UNITE and REAP at SSU, contact Dr. Asad Yousuf at

AEOP Presentions June 28, 2018
Ms. Jennifer Ardouin, Program Manager AEOP (far left) with SSU and area high school students and SSU faculty
January 7 - 10, 2018: SSU Students Present at 97th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
Five SSU students presented their research at the 97th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC on January 7-10, 2018. The students' research had been supported by Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowships they had received through the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Participating students were SSU undergraduates in COST (civil engineering technology majors) and COBA. The students were accompanied to the conference by Dr. Roxana Javid, Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology and Dr. Suman Niranjan, Associate Professor of Business Management. Over 12,000 transportation professionals from around the world attended the TRB Annual Meeting.

November 14, 2017: 3rd Annual Undergraduate Math Research Day at SSU
The SSU Math Department held its 3rd Annual Undergraduate Math Research Day on November 14, 2017. Five undergraduate students presented their research to the campus community, and math faculty were recognized for their student mentorship, scholarship, and research.

October 19-21, 2017: STEM Innovators Conference: 12th Annual Peach State LSAMP Fall Symposium and Research Conference, Atlanta, GA
Thirteen SSU STEM majors presented their research at the STEM Innovators Conference in Atlanta on October 19-21, 2017, and eight received best presentation awards. These 13 students are supported by the NSF PSLSAMP and the NIH RISE programs and conduct research training at SSU with their faculty mentors. Congratulations to these scholars and their mentors.

Ms. Keri-Niyia Cooper won 1st place for her Environmental Biology poster at the 2017 STEM Innovators Conference.

May 2017: MARC Scholar Ms. Destinee Todd Presented at Two International Conferences
In May 2017, Ms. Destinee Todd, SSU Behavior Analysis Major and NIH MARC scholar, presented her research, "Academic Effort Discounting as a Measure of Indolence in College Students" at the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior (SQAB) Convention and at the Association for Behavior Analysis international Conference, both held in Denver, CO. In addition to presenting her research, Ms. Todd had the opportunity to attend several talks, presentations, and syposiums, and to network with representatives from numerous graduate programs.
Pictured below are Ms. Todd (left) with her mentor Dr. Sherry Serdikoff, Associate Professor, Behavior Analysis, at the SQAB Convention, Denver, CO, May 2017.

May 2017: Ms. Stacy Cobb, SSU Grad and PSLSAMP Scholar, Earns PhD in Statistics from UGA
Ms. Stacy Cobb (SSU graduate and Former NSF PSLSAMP scholar) is 1st African-American to earn the PhD in Statistics at the University of Georgia.

April 2017: SSU holds 7th Annual Research Conference
SSU undergraduate and graduate students presented their research at the 7th Annual Research Conference, held April 11, 2017 on the SSU campus. Approximately 150 students from majors campus-wide presented their research.
Pictured below are students who received awards for top research presentations in their respective fields at the 2017 Conference.