Upward Bound/UNITE Summer Program
SPONSERED BY: U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program
Coordinated by Technology Student Association (TSA)
Savannah State University, is conducting the Upward Bound/UNITE Summer Program. The program is funded by the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program and Coordinated by Technology Student Association (TSA). This high quality program will nurture the top 15 academically talented high school students' interests in engineering and science through hands-on activities/field trips in engineering and technology disciplines.
Savannah State University (SSU) a senior unit of the University System of Georgia is the oldest state supported historically black college (HBCU) in the state of Georgia. SSU, located in Savannah Georgia, serves both urban and rural communities. It has been the main aperture through which many minorities in the state of Georgia have entered the lucrative careers in science and technology.
The Savannah State University Upward Bound/UNITE Summer Program is designed to generate in its participants the skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond secondary school.
Only students currently enrolled in the Upward Bound Program at Savannah State University are eligible to apply for the Upward Bound/UNITE Summer Program. Program activities will take place Monday through Thursday from 7:00 AM through 10:00 PM and will include: (1) instruction/tutorial sessions (Engineering, Math, English/reading, Science (laboratory) foreign language, PSAT/SAT, (2) personal counseling, (3) academic advising, (4) career counseling/Career day, (5) parental involvement, (6) Engineering and cultural fieldtrips and activities, (7) workshops, (8) mentoring, (9) financial aid and postsecondary admission assistance. Technology will be infused instructionally and administratively throughout the implementation of the program. The program assessment will be conducted with IRB forms, surveys, developed by Virginia Tech and provided by TSA.
Following are hands-on Engineering and Technology activities:
Task | Activities |
Career Day |
Field Trip |
Engineering and Technology Laboratory Experience |