Research Education Project

Led by Dr. Phyllis Blumberg, the research study will test the hypothesis that reforming introductory lab courses with VR and other active learning approaches will improve student learning. The research study will compare student learning results compiled in year 1 (control group before lab reform) with student learning outcomes in years 2-5 for the 1576 students who enroll in reformed labs.

Lead By:

Dr. Phyllis Blumberg-Education Consultant & Mentor for Faculty Participants

Dr. Lisa Yount-SSU Faculty Education Research Coordinator

Workshops (virtual-Webex) conducted: Monthly (since the beginning of project)

Participant Faculty:

Veena Thapliyal: Chemistry: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Labs

Teresa Shakespeare/Aleesa Johnson: Biology: General Biology Labs

Manoj Prasad: Chemistry: Organic Chemistry Lab


Anthony Palacios, VR Technology Research Assistant


VR Lab Class