Student Resources
Successful Savannah State Tigers use the bevy of resources available to them. Some resources include:
SSU Webmail Email communication from all professors, faculty, and staff will come go through SSU's Webmail system. Make sure to check this email account multiple times each day.
D2L SSU's Learning Management portal where students can access to syllabi, readings, multi-media files, online quizzes, grades, progress reports and more.
PAWS Used for updating and reviewing important information recorded by Savannah State University, students can use PAWS to review and pay bills, register for classes, check grades, update contact information and much more.
Tutorial Services Peer and professional tutors are provided free of charge for all Learning Support and core curriculum courses to all University students. For appointments, contact the Tutorial Center (912) 358-4476 or stop-by Hubert A, Room 113. Students may also schedule additional time if needed.
Print Schedule/Bill This helpful pages allows students to quickly review and print their semester schedule and bill.
Students can find additional resources here and throughout Savannah State University's website. Additionally, questions about University resources should be directed to your Academic Success Advisor, by email or by phone.