S.T.A.R. (Students That Are Rising)
To improve higher education outcomes and retention for disconnected students, who are experiencing food insecurity, are designated as homeless or housing insecure, former foster youth and those who consider themselves to need indigent support; through the use of campus-community supportive networks and resources.
Program Outcomes
Registered students that adequately utilize the services should be able to:- Increase their connectivity to essential resources on and off campus
- Understand, locate and utilize campus-community services to meet their needs
- Improve their help-seeking behaviors, by learning how to be self- advocates and recognizing that asking for help is a sign of strength
- Matriculate successfully through graduation
- Develop adequate financial literacy skills in preparation for post graduation independent living
High School Students
Nsoro summer program and Independent status assistance
Learn more about Nsoro
Faculty and Staff
Identifying students that aged out of foster care and homeless students
Learn how faculty/staff can help homeless students
Helpful Community Resources
Embark Georgia
Independent Living Programs
The Chatham Savannah Authority for the Homeless
USG Point of Contacts
Orange Duffle Bag
Casey Family Programs
I sleep on a couch. Am I homeless, S.T.A.R., and Helping the disconnected students