Student Loans

A loan is money borrowed that must be repaid, with interest. Eligible students must be enrolled at least 6 credit hours, in their program of study, to receive a federal loan. A promissory note must be sign and complete entrance / exit counseling. 

We encourage you and your family to consider the debt from educational loans carefully before accepting any loan offers. Review alternative options available to reduce the amount you borrow. To help you consider the debt from loans:


Federal Direct Stafford Student Loans

These loans are back by the federal government. A credit check is not required. An origination fee is charged by the U. S. Department of Education and is paid from the loan disbursement.

There are two types of Stafford Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Students must have a financial need and able to complete their program of study within 150% of the time needed to complete the program in order to receive a subsidized Stafford Loan. The U.S. Department of Education will pay the interest on a subsidized Stafford Loan during certain enrollment periods. Graduate students are not eligible for subsidized Stafford Loans. The interest rate is subject to change.

Federal unsubsidized loans will charge interest while in school. The interest can either be paid or applied to the principle. The interest rate is subject to change.

Federal Stafford Loans have yearly limits. The limits are:

Federal Stafford Loans Yearly Limits
Classification Dependent Students (except students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans) Independent Students (and students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans)
Freshmen $5,500 – No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $9,500 – No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
Sophomore $6,500 – No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $10,500 – No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
Junior / Senior $7,500 – No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $12,500 – No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
Graduate Students Not Applicable $23,000 – Unsubsidized only
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Aggregate Loan Limits $31,000-No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $57,500 for undergraduates-No more than $23,000 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. $138,500 for graduate students-No more than $65,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans. The graduate aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study.

All students are required to accept the loans in PAWS, complete a promissory note, and entrance counseling in Please borrow responsibly.

The Federal Student loan is awarded during our awarding process, based on the information received from the FAFSA. Loans are awarded based on need, after grants and scholarships are awarded. If awarded, students will have the option to accept, adjust or decline the federal student loan on PAWS. Students must be attending at least half-time (6 hours for undergraduates or 5 hours for graduate students) for funds to disburse. Dropping below half-time will result in subsequent loan disbursements being canceled or removed.

Federal Direct Parent Plus Loans

These loans are back by the federal government. The borrower must be a parent of the student. A soft credit checks are required. The initial payment starts approximately sixty days after the loan has been fully disbursed to the student's account. The Direct Parent Plus Loans are made through the William D. Ford Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan (Direct PLUS Loan) Program. An Origination Fee will be charged and taken out of the loan. Interest rates are variable, but capped at 9%. Students must be enrolled for at least 6 hours, in their program of study.

Federal Direct Parent Plus Loans are completed on the FAFSA. Approved loans take 3-5 business days to reflect in your financial aid award. A copy of the parent's photo ID must be emailed to as verification of the parent's signature on the loan application. 

Denial of the Federal Direct Parent Plus Loans may result in additional Federal unsubsidized loans being offered to your student. Loan decisions take 3-5 business days to reflect in your financial aid award. The new Federal unsubsidized loan offer is not automatically accepted. The student must login to PAWS and accept the new award. 

Please note when borrowing: It is recommended to request the amount for the entire remaining balance for academic year.

Alternative/Private Loans

Many private lending institutions offer loans to students and families seeking assistance to meet expenses related to attendance at Savannah State University. There are an increasing number of these loans and the terms of these loans change frequently. An alternative/private loan is not guaranteed by the federal government, requires a credit check and may require a co-signer.

When researching private loans, students should pay close attention to the borrower benefits, fees, interest rates and payment options. To calculate the interest, lenders use the LIBOR average, Prime Rate, or the 91 Day T-Bill.

Students should consider an alternative/private loan if:

To compare lenders and loan options and apply for an alternative/private loans, apply at FastChoice. The Office of Financial Aid will be notified by the lender to certify the alternative/private loan. Funds will be forwarded to the school and applied to the student’s account.

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