Technical Services

Mission Statement

The Technical Services department of the Asa H. Gordon Library supports the mission of Savannah State University by assuming primary responsibility for the organization of materials in the library’s collection and catalog. The Technical Services department is committed to providing quality service to the faculty, staff and students that use the Asa H. Gordon Library catalog. This is accomplished by creating, maintaining and making available to the University library catalog users quality bibliographic holdings and authority records according to established local and national standards in a timely manner. This department also strives to build and maintain a cohesive, current, and balanced library collection that supports the curriculum and educational mission of Savannah State University. We are responsible for the ordering and receiving of library materials and for maintaining the relevancy of the collection.

Cataloging Policy

Cataloging policies are as follows:

  • The library utilizes Library of Congress classification and subject headings to provide a systematic organization of information.
  • Cataloging practices conform to USMARC (United States Machine Readable Cataloging) format for bibliographic data and AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd ed.) for cataloging description.
  • Authority control is adhered to through verification with Library of Congress Authority records.
  • Library holdings in the OCLC database are updated with the addition of all materials in to the library collection.
  • University departmental materials can be integrated into the library on-line catalog. These items are assigned a location indicating that they are shelved in various departments.


Conditions of Acceptance

All library gifts which are made to the Savannah State University Library are accepted with the understanding that upon receipt the materials become the property of the Savannah State University Library. The Library staff is responsible for determining the retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations relating to the use or disposition of such gift materials.

Gifts accepted by the Library may serve a variety of purposes. Some are added to the collections as first or replacement copies. Those not added to the Library's holdings may be offered to another library, sent to a state facility, donated to a worthy cause, sold or discarded.

The Savannah State University Library makes written acknowledgements of all gifts accepted. The letter of acknowledgment notes the number of volumes received and includes a list of items but not an estimate of the value of the gift.

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